Czech freezer frozen two men and one "The assets of the news website of Voice of EUROPE states that this website has launched influence activities in Europe to support the "Russian Federation Foreign Policy Interests".

The New York Times reported on Friday (March 29) that the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement confirming the frozen assets of Viktor Medvedchuk and Artem Marchevskyi.Medvevak is a high -profile Ukrainian Politician and the leading figure of the Russian influence operation; Malchevsky is an Israeli citizen of Ukraine. It is said that the European website is responsible for his operation.

It is a high -profile Ukrainian politician.(Reuters)

Medvewuk has long been regarded as an ally of Russian President Putin. Later, he was arrested in Ukraine and was transferred to Russia under the U -Russian prisoner exchange plan in 2022.

Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Lipavuski said on Friday: "We destroyed the Russian influence dominated by Medvekkuk.The European Parliament "

Although the Czech officials refused to immediately respond to the expansion and funds of the Russian influence operation, some Czech officials promised to provide more information.

Czech Prime Minister Fiara said on the social media platform that frozen related assets "the result of international cooperation" and said that "other countries will also take action."

According to the Czech news media, the source of unknown reports, the European website of Europe has paid a pay to some political figures in Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Hungary, as their promoting Russia in Europe in EuropeReturn of the interests of parliament.