(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive) Although the United States expressed concerns about the ground offensive of the U.S. military may launch a ground offensive to the Lathar in the South China, Washington has recently approved the transportation of billions of dollars in bombs and fighters to Israel.

Washington Post on Friday (March 29) quoted sources that the supply of new weapons included more than 1,800 MK84 bombs and 500 500 pounds of MK82 bombs.

For relevant reports, neither White House and Israeli embassies in Washington have not commented.

Israeli Defense Minister Garrant visited Washington earlier this week to discuss Israel's weapon demand with US Defense Minister Austin.Garrant's trip is obviously seeking to alleviate the relationship between the United States.In an interview with the media on Tuesday (26th), he emphasized that the United States and Israeli are vital to Israel's national security, and Israel must maintain its military "qualitative advantage" in the Middle East.

Washington provides military assistance of US $ 3.8 billion (about S $ 5.1 billion) to long -term ally Israel each year, but Israel's military operations on Gaza have caused strong attacks from the international community.Reduce the military aid.

Bynden admits that many Arab Americans are "painful" because of the Gaza War and the United States support Israel.Despite the increasing differences with the Israeli Prime Minister Neyhuro, Biden still vowed to continue to support Israel.

Since the conflict of Harbin, the United States has never stopped military aid against Israel, and has taken several bypassing Congress for several times to sell weapons directly to Israel.The analysis of VOA said that despite paying political costs, Biden still firmly supports Israel, which may be worried that the war expands to the areas outside Gasha, and it is also based on his long -term view of the importance of Israel's national security for a long time.

The United States adheres to military aid Israel and is related to the Middle East policy in the United States.For decades, Israel is an important ally in the United States in the Middle East. The United States has maintained its influence in the Middle East and is indispensable. At the same time, it can balance its interests with other competitors including Russia in the Middle East.

The humanitarian crisis in the Gaza area is becoming increasingly severe.A senior official of the US State Department revealed to Reuters on Friday that there are likely to occur in some areas in the northern part of Gaza, and there is a major risk of famine in the southern and central regions of Gaza.

The official said that a obstacle to the Palestinians with more assistance was insufficient trucks carrying rescue supplies.Washington will assist the United Nations to buy more trucks.

Scrolls in the northern part of Gaza

The Integrated Food-Security Phase Classification reported by the United Nations reported that there are 1.1 million people, which is a serious hunger problem in the nearby Gaza.The International Court has issued orders on Thursday (28th) to take all necessary measures to ensure that humanitarian assistance enters Gasha unimpededly.

Israeli officials responded that they had opened up to allow more assistance to enter Gasha, and said that transporting assistance in Gaza is the responsibility of the United Nations and humanitarian agencies.Evil also accused Hamas accusing Hamas take advantage of the fire and stole rescue supplies.

However, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that the project in northern Gaza's material distribution point was again shot and trampled on Saturday (30th), causing five people to die and dozens of people injured.At the time of the incident, thousands of people waited for 15 trucks to carry food, and the scene was chaotic. Some witnessed people said that Israeli soldiers fired at the masses.

Israel agrees to return to the negotiating table to talk about ceasefire

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Neitanohu approved the return to the ceasefire negotiation with Hamas on Friday.Neutana's office said that the Fang will participate in the new negotiations of Gaza ceasefire and the release of hostages held in Doha and Cairo in the next few days, and provide guidelines for promoting talks.

Although the United States and other mediations Egypt and Qatar vigorously pushed Harbin Harbin to stop the fire before the fasting moon, the two parties could not reach an agreement, and the recent negotiations have fallen into a deadlock.On the 25th of this month, the United States refused to vote for the UN Security Council's resolution to stop the fire immediately, which made the relationship between Biden and Neiahu fall into the bottom.