Asahi Shimbun reported on Saturday (March 30) that Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita will go to the United States to conduct state -visits in the United States next month and will announce in a joint statement in Japan and the United States to strengthen cooperation in high -tech fields such as artificial intelligence (AI).

U.S. President Biden will receive Kishida Wenxiong in the White House on April 10.

Asahi Shimbun said that the Japanese United States jointly stated that the relationship between the two allies was called the "global partnership" and would advocate to strengthen cooperation in the field of AI and semiconductors, but did not quote the source.

It is reported that, as part of the agreement, Japan and the United States may cooperate with companies such as Aimi, Amazon, British semiconductor giants, and cross -border e -commerce platforms to establish AI R & D frameworks.

In recent months, the United States has actively acted to stop transporting advanced AI chips to China, trying to prevent Beijing from getting cutting -edge US cutting -edge technologies that can enhance China's military strength.

The United States Friday ( 29日)宣布修订对华AI晶片出口限制,新The measures will take effect on April 4.