The Washington Post reported on Friday (March 29) that although the United States expressed concern about Israel's mobilization of ground offensives to the city of Gaza Strip in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, Washington has recently approved the delivery of bombs and fighters worth billions of dollars for bombs and fighters for fighters.Israel.

The report quotes the five -corner building and the officials of the State Council, and the new batch of weapons include more than 1,800 2000 pounds of MK84 bombs, and 500 500 pounds of MK82 bombs.

Washington provides military assistance worth $ 3.8 billion (about S $ 5.13 billion) to Israel's long -term ally.

A new round of conflict between Israel and HamasThe United States has always provided an emergency air defense system and ammunition to Israel, but some Democrats and Arabic -American groups criticized the Bayeon government's firm support for Israel. They believed that this made Israel a feeling that can be done.