(Washington / Amsterdam Comprehensive) According to reports, the United States is drafting a list of Chinese advanced chip manufacturers, making it easier for American companies to curb technology to flow to China, and then effectively prohibit Chinese advanced chip factories from obtain key technologies and key technologies and US technologies and US technologies and the United States’sequipment.

Sources revealed on Thursday (March 28) that the list may be announced in the next few months.

The US Department of Commerce banned American companies from transporting equipment to Chinese factories that produce advanced chips in 2022. However, US companies believe that it is difficult to determine which Chinese factories produce advanced chips, so they have called on the US Department of Commerce to list the list.

At the annual export control conference held in Washington this week, US officials responded to the formulation list of corporate requirements.At the time, an official said at the meeting that the list may not be detailed enough, but as long as the government is increasingly determined by what the facilities they want to control, it is easier for enterprises to follow.

As the list is about to be announced, it is expected that the United States can further strengthen the existing chip restrictions on China.

For this news, the US Department of Commerce refused to comment.A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington said that the United States should stop excessive extension of the concept of national security and stop the abuse of national power targeting Chinese enterprises.

In order to reduce its dependence on China and Taiwan in the field of semiconductors, the United States announced on Thursday that it will cooperate with Mexico to explore the development of semiconductor supply chain.

This cooperation will be one of the US chip decree.The establishment of a law of US $ 500 million (about S $ 675 million) funds allows the United States to cooperate with allies and partners to develop the semiconductor supply chain.

The US State Department issued a statement that the manufacturing of basic products such as car to medical equipment relies on the strength and elasticity of the semiconductor supply chain, and said that the United States will first evaluate the existing semiconductor industry, regulatory framework and labor needs of Mexico.

The Netherlands will improve an infrastructure defense Acemai to run away

On the other hand, the Dutch government announced on Thursday that it will invest 2.5 billion euros (about S $ 3.637 million) to improve the infrastructure of the southern technology town Eindhoven to ensure that the largest company and lithography machine giants in the NetherlandsASML (ASML) will not move its business overseas.

The Dutch government said the funds will be used to improve the housing, education, transportation and electricity networks in Eindhoven.The government also intends to reduce the tax burden of the enterprise, hoping to persuade Asto to continue investing in the Netherlands through these measures.

Asley is the largest equipment supplier of European technology companies and global computer chip manufacturers. Its headquarters is located in the outskirts of Eindhoven, Veldhoven.

Asley welcomed the Dutch government's plan, but it shows that it is still determining the future development direction.

Asmore President Peterswinick has publicly complained to the Dutch government's policy this month, including plans to cancel tax reduction measures for technical immigrants, and believes that this will make it difficult for Asmai to hire specialists.These criticisms alarmed the Dutch government.