(Moscow Comprehensive) Russian President Putin warned West that if Russia survives, national sovereignty and independence will be damaged, Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons.

Putin talked about a series of issues in an interview with Russia-1 television and Russia on Wednesday (March 13). He showed that the nuclear war has not accelerated, and he believes that there is no need to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.However, he also stated: "From a military technical point of view, of course, we have already prepared (nuclear war) preparation."

He said that the United States understands that if the US military is deployed in Russia or Ukraine, Russia will be regarded as an intervention in the Ukrainian war."(USA) has enough experts in the field of Strategic Restraint. Therefore, I don't think everything is developing in the nuclear war, but we have prepared for this."

He added that the United States is also developing nuclear forces, but this does not mean that the United States will immediately launch nuclear war."They are enhancing modernization and innovation in this area, and they have a response plan. We also understand this. They are developing all (nuclear weapons) components, and we are."

"Weapons are used. We have our own principles."

He also pointed out that if the United States conducts nuclear tests, Russia may do so."(Although) is not necessary ... we still need to consider it, but I do not rule out that we can do this."

Before Putin published these comments, the White House just announced on Tuesday (12th) to provide Ukraine with a package of military assistance of $ 300 million (about S $ 400 million), but Biden emphasized that this is not enough. Congress needs to need.Through more aid funds.

Putin reiterated that he is willing to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way

The Russian and Ukraine War has entered the third year. Ukrainian allies have been working hard to help Ukraine and respond to related issues, and negotiations about the end of the war have been stagnant.In the interview, Putin reiterated that Russia was willing to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way, but any negotiation should be based on reality, rather than "delusion after using psychotropic drugs."

When asked if it is possible to reach a fair agreement with the West, he replied, "I don't believe anyone, we need to guarantee."

Ukrainian President Zeleiski has previously refused to accept suggestions for peaceful negotiations with Moscow, and repeatedly emphasized that he would not abandon Ukrainian territory.In an interview with the United States CNN last September, he stated: "If you want to reach a compromise or dialogue with someone, you cannot do this with the scammers."

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia and the West have deteriorated rapidly, but their relations with North Korea are deepening.The United States condemned North Korea and transported a large number of missiles to Russia; in return, Moscow was said to share weapon technology with Pyongyang.

However, Putin said in an interview that North Korea has its own "nuclear protection umbrella" and Pyongyang did not seek any help from Moscow.

In addition, Putin commented on the NATO issue. From the perspective of ensuring their own interests, Finland and Sweden joined NATO.He also shows that Russia will deploy troops and strike systems at the Finnish border.

He emphasized on the issue of US elections: "Russia will not interfere in any election in any way, and as I have said many times, we will cooperate with any leaders trusted by the American people and the United States."