(Washington Composite Electric) Former US President Trump said that Tiktok, a short video platform, threatened the national security, but the use of this short video application may hurt some young people.Platform with dishonesty ".

Trump Monday (March 11) interviewed U.S. Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) and said, "I don't intend to double the scale of Facebook ... If Tiktok is disabled,Then Facebook and other companies, but mainly Facebook will become a major beneficiary.

He pointed out that Tiktok has many benefits and many disadvantages, and if Tiktok is disabled, "many teenagers will crazy."

The change in Trump's position was surprising because he supported Tiktok and bytes during his administration, but was later stopped by the US court.

Trump denies that he changed his attitude because Jeff Yass, the main investor and hedge fund manager of byte beating, is one of the gold owners of his campaign.

The House of Representatives of the United States will vote on Wednesday (13th) to force Tiktok's Chinese parent company byte to sell Tiktok, otherwise it will face a ban in the United States.

Skalis, the second person in the House of Representatives, shows that the confidence bill will be passed.He said: "We must ensure that the Chinese government cannot collect and publicize through data, and use Tiktok as a weapon against American users and the government."

Tiktok confessed to the US Congress on Monday, reiterated that Tiktok was not owned or controlled by the Chinese government, and showed that if the byte beating was forced to sell Tiktok, other buyers would not continue to spend 1.5 billion US dollars (nearly S $ 2 billion) for protection.US data.

Tiktok said: "What is ironic is that the off -sales plan may reduce the security of American user data.