In the case of collective strikes in hospitalization and interns, the South Korean government will dispatch military medical doctors to replace military kimono for military service on March 11 to make up for the medical vacancies of many hospitals.However, at this emergency, 430 Professor of Shouju University Hospital announced on the 11th that if the government does not come up with a reasonable plan to solve the medical treatment in front of them, they will also resign collectively next week.

The Professor Council of the School of Medicine at the Seoul University of Medicine, the Emergency Countermeasure Committee on Monday (March 11), on the evening of Monday (March 11), stated on the collective resignation of inpatients in the internship hospital.

The professor of the university hospital submitted his resignation that he did not go to class or diagnose, but the professors said that the outpatient clinic would be reduced before the resignation was accepted, but it would guard the emergency room and the intensive ward.

In order to oppose the government's policy of expanding the student college, professors of the University of Medicine at the Medical College of Ulshan University agreed to resign on March 7. Professor of Busan University and Jianbei University School of Medicine subsequently expressed their willingness to resign.The professors of many medical schools have also threatened to resign, and the front line of Korean medical care may fall into a greater chaos.

Wu Shiyu, the director of the professor association of the School of Medicine of Busan University, said, "In the case of a large number of (students), the professors have no way."

Monday (March 11), in order to deal with the shortage of medical staff in hospitals, the South Korean government began to transfer military and public health doctors to the hospital.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare of the South Korean Health and Welfare dispatched 158 public health doctors and military doctors to replace 158 uniforms in the country and local hospitals. These medical staff are mainly responsible for the surgery of intensive illness, emergency patients, and alleviating delayed consultation.

Officially send a revocting license notice to nearly 5,000 doctors

According to the news on the 11th of the Korean medical community, as of March 8, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has sent a notice to revoking the doctor's license to the 4,944 internships and inpatients who refused to resume, and are sending the notice to the remaining strike doctors one by one.

The results of the Ministry of Welfare of South Korea conducted inspections on 100 internship hospitals across the country in writing. As of 11 am on the 8th, there were 1,994 internships and inpatients who were absent from the 8th, accounting for 92.9%of the overall number.

Zhao Guihong, Minister of Health and Welfare, said: "Before the end of the administrative sanction procedure, if doctors return to post, they will deal with the issues to the greatest extent."

Some analysts believe that Zhao Guihong's remarks seem to be concessions in principle in the principle of revoking the three -month doctors' licenses, but the executives of the Presidential Office explained that "Welcome doctors to come back, but the (government) cannot always endure."

127 cases of the aid case accepted by the Ministry of Justice of Korea

South Korean doctors' "resignation trend" incident seriously affected the medical treatment of many patients.

In order to prevent doctors' collective strikes from bringing losses to the health of the people, the Ministry of Justice of South Korea set up a "doctor's collective action victim assistance center" on February 21.As of March 6, the center accepted 127 legal aid cases.In the acceptance case, there were 86 cases of surgical delays.

A patient with advanced lung cancer revealed to the center that four days before the long -awaited operation, they received a notice from the hospital. Due to the strike of the doctor, they could not perform surgery according to the original date.

She said: "At the moment of life and death, because the doctor strikes and failed to receive treatment in time, my condition has deteriorated. In order to keep her rice bowl and protest the patient's life as a result, is this a doctor's behavior?? I will be held accountable and ask the hospital to compensate. "