(Washington Composite Electric) Ukraine's ammunition is about to be exhausted. The White House bypass the Republicans of Congress and announced that it will use the US $ 300 million (about S $ 400 million) military aids from the defense contract;The government provided military aid to the Ukraine for the first time since the end of December last year.

U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan said at the White House press conference on Tuesday (March 12) that the $ 300 million fund is the "cost of accidental saving" in the Ministry of National Defense in a long -term contract.Provide Kiev to provide high -mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS) artillery shells and ammunition.

But the practice of dismantling the east wall to make up the west wall cannot be implemented for a long time.Laude, a spokesman for the Pentagon, bluntly stated that this is not a sustainable aid solution. Congress still needs to provide additional military aid bills.Biden also stated that these missiles, artillery and ammunition "far from enough" the Ukraine to resist the Russian army, and it will be exhausted after a few weeks.

Due to the opposition from the Republicans of Congress, Washington has not been able to pass a supplementary expenditure bill containing about $ 60 billion in Ukraine.Before the announcement of a new round of military aid, the Pentagon has also publicly stated that the Ministry of National Defense faced a funds gap of $ 10 billion due to inflation and new and old weapons.

It is understood that the Ministry of National Defense still has approximately $ 4. billion to provide weapons to Ukraine, but Congress approved to fill the five -horn weapon inventory funds.

In December 2023, the United States stopped military aid operations after providing Ukraine with a military demand of $ 250 million.At that time, the Ministry of Defense warned that subsequent assistance funds will be exhausted.

Poland President continues to help Baden to continue to help Wuwu

As Washington announced a new round of military aid, Polish President Duda was put pressure on Biden in Washington, asking the United States to break the deadlock on the issue of Ukrainian funds at a critical moment of war.

Poland, which borders the territory of Ukraine, has repeatedly called on the United States and Europe to maintain unity on the issue of Ukraine and provide important and sustainable assistance to Kiev.

Duda called on NATO member states to increase national defense expenditure to increase the target of 2%of GDP (GDP) to 3%to cope with the Russian and Ukraine War.Poland's defense expenditure accounts for 4%of GDP, accounting for the highest proportion among the United States and European allies.