(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden and former President Trump both on Tuesday (March 12) to lock the nomination of the presidential candidates of their respective parties in advance; if there is no accident, the two will be in the presidential election in November in NovemberDrunted again.This will be the first time that the US presidential election has appeared for the first time in the past 70 years, and it is expected that it will be one of the longest and most "burning money" campaign cycles in the United States.

1968 party votes to win the nomination of Democratic Presidential Candidates.According to statistics from the Edison Research Company, the results of the primary election of the Georgia Democratic Party on Tuesday began to announce that Biden has spanned this threshold.Mississippi, Washington, North Mariana Islands and Overseas Democrats also held the Democratic Primary Election on the same day.

Bynden's qualifying for a few hours, Trump also won the 1,215 party votes required by the Republican nomination.The Republican primaries were held on the same day including Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi and Washington.

Such results have long been expected. Bayndon's opponent's opponents did not have a climate. Trump's last party competitors Heili exited after sweeping super Tuesday.

Biden issued a statement after locking the Democratic Party nominated, accusing Trump's campaign as "threatening the resentment, revenge and punishment campaign to threaten the American philosophy."He said: "Voters can choose the future of this country now. Want to stand up and defend our democracy, or let others destroy it? We want to restore the right to choose, maintain our freedom, or let extreme molecules be allowed to make extremistsDevil our freedom "

Trump stated in social media that the Republican Party was strong and united, and vowed to defeat Biden's "worst, most incompetent, most corruption and most destructive power in American history.He said: "We will close the border. We will do something that has never been seen before. We will make the US economy the best economy in the world."

Both of them have turned their attention to the duel in November, which means that the presidential campaign cycle will be up to eight months.

Bynden defeated Trump, then President in the 2020 election, and Trump, who was unwilling to defeat, claimed that there was a large -scale fraud.The last time the United States appeared in the second confrontation of the presidential candidate, in 1956, when the Republican President Eisenhower defeated the former Governor of Elino, the former governor of the Democratic Party, the governor of the Democratic Party.

Most Americans do not want to see the Byte of the Race

A number of polls show that most Americans do not want to see Biden and Trump's re -competition.The results of the US Broadcasting Corporation News Network (ABC News) and the IPSOS polls announced on Sunday (10th) show that Trump and Biden's support rates are only 29%and 33%, respectively; 21%of voters, respectively; 21%of voters, respectively;There is no good feeling for the two. Whether this group will vote and who will be selected will have a key impact on the results.

Trump is the first president of the United States to suffer two impeachments. After he stepped down, he was in criminal lawsuit because he conspired to overthrow the 2020 election results, private secret documents, and paid sealing fees to porn women.Although he supported the party nomination within the party with "iron powder", he was not welcomed by voters such as suburbs and women, and he still faced major obstacles to returning to the White House.

Bitzchi, about four years old, has been questioned whether he is still president because of his old age.The immigration crisis on the border between the United States and the Mexico, the United States' support for Israel, and the domestic high inflation rate, etc., may also affect his election.

Bloomberg News and Investigation Agency Morning Consult's polls released last month showed that 80 % of the swing state voters believed that Biden was too old, and nearly 60 % thought Trump was "dangerous".

Bloomberg pointed out that there have been no candidates in the modern history of the United States so long in the public view, but the support rate is so low.This means that the two must spend billions of dollars to persuade voters to vote for them.

Republican and democratic parties will officially nominate presidential candidates at the National Party Congress in July and August, respectively.The presidential election is scheduled to be held on November 5.