(Moscow News) According to the NATO intelligence department's estimation of Russia's defense production, Russia's artillery and athlete production seems to be nearly three times that of the United States and Europe. It is expected that Russia will launch another wave of offensive against Ukraine this year.Advantage.

According to the NATO intelligence department and sources familiar with Western armed Ukraine, Russia currently produces about 250,000 shells and about 3 million pieces per year.According to a high -level European intelligence official, the United States and Europe can only produce about 1.2 million shells to Kiev each year.

A senior U.S. Army officials disclosed that the goal of the U.S. military was to produce 100,000 shells of shells per month by the end of 2025, which is less than half of Russia's monthly output.Even so, this number cannot be realized at present, because the $ 60 billion (approximately $ 79.8 billion) aid to Ukraine was delayed due to Congress, and it was delayed.

A Senior NATO official said: "What we are facing now is a production war. The result of the Russian and Ukraine war depends on how the two sides equipment for this war."

Knowledge officials say that Russia currently fires about 10,000 shells every day. In contrast, Ukraine only fires only 2,000 shells a day.European intelligence officials said that in some places on the front line of 600 miles, this proportion is worse.

At this time, there is a shortage of firepower. For Ukraine, it is even worse.The funds used by the United States for armed Ukraine have been used up, and the Republican opposition in Congress has actually stopped more donations.Ukraine not only struggled with ammunition, but also became more serious in the front line.

Although the United States and its allies have provided many highly complex systems to Ukraine, including M-1 Abrams tanks and the F-16 fighters that are about to provide, military analysts believe that the victory and defeat of this war may be possibleIt will depend on who has the most shells launched.

NATO officials said: "The number one problem we pay attention to is ammunition, because it is where Russia really gains a significant advantage on the battlefield."