(Bloomberg, Washington) A senior defense intelligence analyst in the United States pointed out that China is leading Russia in R & D, testing and deploying hypersonic weapons, and the United States is working hard to catch up.

McCocker, a senior intelligence analyst at the National Aeronautics and Aerospace Intelligence Center, told a group of the House Military Commission on Tuesday (March 12) that China has a "leading high supersonic weapon library".High -intensity and targeted investment, development, testing and deployment, which greatly promotes the achievements achieved by its conventional and nuclear weapons technology and combat power. "

He also said that Russia used this weapon in Ukraine, but it must lag behind China on the total inventory and support system.

The U.S. Air Force and the Army encountered difficulties during testing, and failed to achieve the goal of deploying hypersonic weapons in 2022 and 2023.

The U.S. Ministry of Defense's hypersonic project expert Weber said in the statement of the Commission that since 2018, the Pentagon has invested more than $ 12 billion (about S $ 16 billion) in the development of the hypersonic weapon system since 2018.Various strike capabilities in land, sea and air. "