(Washington Comprehensive) The US State Department requires government to allocate billions of dollars to deal with competition with China.

Vice Secretary of State of the United States in charge of managing and resources, Virma on Monday (March 11), revealed that in the press conference, the State Council requested that the government's 2025 fiscal year budget requireUSD (about 5.3 billion yuan).Among them, 2 billion US dollars will be used to establish a new international infrastructure fund, providing a credible and reliable alternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative; another $ 2 billion is used for "changing the situation of the situation" to assist India -Pacific countries counterattack "Promotion.

The State Council also requires another $ 4 billion for funds that can be dominated as appropriate for foreign aid and contact in the Indo -Pacific region.

Virma emphasized: "Under any possible situation, we must use all available tools to defeat China."

He pointed out that the new budget proposed by President Biden will allow the United States to continue to invest in strengthening domestic basic forces and alliance with like -minded international partners, thereby strengthening the common interests of the United States and the challenges brought by China.

Verma said that the international infrastructure fund established by the United States will support those "changing, high quality, and sustainable hard base construction projects."

A report published by US researchers last November pointed out that from 2000 to 2021, Chinese financial institutions provided developing countries with up to $ 1340 billion in loans.

Western countries have been trying to deal with the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative.The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) promised to raise $ 600 billion in private and public development funds in five years in 2022 to fund developing countries for the necessary infrastructure, while competing for the Belt and Road Initiative.

Last year, when the G20 (G20) held a summit in India, Biden and Indian Prime Minister Modi convened a leader of member states to discuss that through the "PARTNERSHIP for Global Infrastic and Investment) Plan to accelerate the investment and development of the economic corridor of high -quality infrastructure projects.

Analysis: China's foreign loan quotes infrastructure projects to make the aid national debt platform high

Analysis pointed out that China ’s foreign loans have caused Beijing to attract many developing countries, but it has also attracted the attack of the West. Some recipients include Sri Lanka and Zambia, and they have also criticized the infrastructure project funded by ChinaEssence

On the other hand, the US State Department also demanded that the US State Department also demanded that the $ 100 million US dollars to assist Taiwan to strengthen scarlet resistance and maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.The State Council requested the amount in this year, which was 20 million US dollars more than last year.

In August last year, the Biden government approved the first approval of the Foreign Milital Financing program applied to a sovereign state to provide Taiwan with a military assistance of $ 80 million in military aid.The move caused a resolute opposition that caused the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense at the time, and said that all necessary measures would be taken to counter them.