(Jerusalem / Cairo Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu said that the Israeli Army has eliminated at least 13,000 Hamas militants in the war of Gasha and vowed to continue to promote the Lafa in the southern city of Gasha.Military action.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health of Gaza, the Harbin War, which lasted more than five months, has killed more than 31,000 local Palestinians, of which about 70 % are women and children.Neutanahu was interviewed by German media giant Axel Springer on Sunday (March 10), saying that this number includes at least 13,000 "terrorists" killed by the Israeli Army, andThe actual number of civilians is less than 20,000.

He emphasized that the Israeli army has destroyed three -quarters of the battle for Hamas. If the offense is stopped now, it will only give Hamas a chance to gather, and to expand the military operations of the Israeli army in Gaza to Lafa.It is the key to defeating Hamas."We are very close to victory ... Once we take military operations against the residual terrorist battalions of La Fa, it only takes a few weeks (the fierce battle can end)."

Nei Tanahu said to get the support of the vast majority of Israel

Nei Tanahu also publicly returned to the US President Biden's criticism one day before.Biden said on Saturday (9th) that in the interview, the war policy of Neutanahu "the harm to Israel is greater than the help of Israel", and also said that the Evil's attack on Laafa was an insurmountable "red line" for the United States.Essence

In this regard, Neitana said that it is his red line to ensure that Hamas's big attack on Israel last October 7 last year was his red line."If he (Biden) means that what I am promoting is the personal policy that violates most Israelis wishes and damages Israel's interests, then he is wrong at these two points."

Nei Tanahu said that his war policy and military operations were supported by the vast majority of Israelis because "they know what is good for Israel."He also said: "The Israelites also support my position, that is, we must resolutely refuse to force us to accept our attempt to establish Palestine."

Yham mutually pointed out that the opponent obstructs negotiations to negotiate the mediation of countries such as Egypt and other countries.

Israel and Hamas have their own persistence, resulting in the Harbin Harbin -Harbin -Harbin -Harbon negotiations from Egypt and Qatar and other countries cannot reach an agreement.

Egyptian security sources revealed to Reuters on Sunday that Egypt was in contact with Hamas representatives and other mediation parties to seek to restart the ceasefire negotiations during the Memororalia.The parties originally hoped that the ceasefire was promoted before the start of the fasting moon, but the negotiations held in Cairo failed to make a breakthrough before, and Israeli even did not send a delegation to attend.

Both Harbin continued to point each other to the opponent's hindering fire negotiations.Hamas leader in exile, Hania's Sunday, speaking on a TV speech, blamed the negotiations on the side."We don't want a paper agreement to end the Gaza War. On the issue of ceasefire and stop invading our people, the enemy still refuses to make a guarantee and clear commitment."

But he said that Hamas was still willing to negotiate with Israel."If the coordinator conveys a clear position to us today, we are ready to continue the agreement and show the flexibility on the issue of exchange prisoners."

Hania also shows that Hamas is open to the establishment of a united government for the establishment of a united government such as Tongfa Palestin.