In the past five years, the imports of European weapons have been doubled, partly due to the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war.

Reuters reported that the report published on Monday (March 11) on Monday (March 11) of the Stockholm International Institute of Peace (SIPRI) showed that the import of European weapons from 2019 to 2023 increased by 94%compared with the first five years, of which 55 of which 55%Is from the United States.

Ukraine has become the fourth largest importer in the world, and Russia's weapon exports have been reduced by half. France replaced Russia to become the second largest exporter of the world after the United States.

Russia not only decreased its weapons, but also exported weapons to 12 countries in 2023, much less than 31 countries in 2019.

China, which was originally one of the largest imported countries in Russia, is committed to developing domestic weapons production. Today, Russian weapons imported by Russia account for 21%of their total; India is the largest importer of Russian weapons, accounting for 34 of its total amount.%.