(Washington / Gasha Composite Electric) The U.S. military sent a logistics support ship to the Middle East on Saturday to transport the first batch of equipment to build a temporary terminal for Gaza.The United States recently announced that it would build this pier to assist Gaza to receive rescue materials to alleviate the local humanitarian crisis.

On Sunday (March 10), the Central Command of the United States said that US President Biden Biden announced on Thursday (7th) that it would provide humanitarian assistance for Gaza for Gaza.The base of the state set off to the East Mediterranean.The ship is carried on the ship with the equipment required to build a floating dock in the Mediterranean Sea outside Gaza.

Establishing a temporary terminal is expected to take 60 days. The United States initially borrowed the facilities of Cyprus to review the goods. Since Israeli officials will also participate in it, there will be no need to receive safety inspections after the goods will be received.

Cyprus is the EU member of Gaza.The European Union said that the Maritime Humanitarian Aid Corridor from Cyprus to Gaza is expected to open on Sunday.

A ship of the Spanish charity Open ARMS stopped at Cyprus three weeks ago. There were 200 tons of food on the boat, and it could be drove to Gaza only after Israel's official approval.This will be the first batch of assistance to Gaza to Gaza through this sea corridor.

The World Central Kitchen of the American Charity provides these foods and is uninstalling the goods at Gaza Construction Pier.

Because the war hindered the land channel, some countries were forced to send materials into Gaza by airdrops.The fifth airdropping in the United States provided 41,400 meals and 23,000 bottles of water for the people in northern Gaza.

Humanitarian workers and United Nations officials pointed out that allowing more trucks to enter Gasha is more effective than airdropping or transporting assistance materials through the sea.Gaza medical staff said that the US airdrops were killed and 10 were injured on Friday, but the U.S. military said that this was not caused by the US military airdrop operation.

At present, the negotiations of the suspension of the battle and the release of the detainee are continued.Israeli Prime Minister Natana's office said on Saturday that the Israeli Intelligence and Special Service (Mosad) Director Barchea met with the US CIA Director Bernes the day before to promote the release of the hostage to be released.

But Mossad refers to Hamas in the statement that Hamas has no interest in reaching an agreement, but is intended to "ignite the Middle East during the fasting of the Palestinians who sacrifice Gaza."

According to a report by Reuters, Hamas delegations are unlikely to go to Cairo on weekends.The spokesman for the army said that Israel is preparing for the "all possible action schemes" during the fasting month.

Biden: Neutanahu has more damage to Israel than to help

Bayeng said in an interview broadcast on Saturday, MSNBC, saying that "it is always possible" to reach an agreement before the fasting month, but no further explanation is not further explained.

He answered a question, saying that Israel invaded the city of La Fa in the southern part of Gaza, which will set the red line he set to Neihuhu, but then he changed his mouth and said that he would never leave Israel.He said: "Israel's defense is still important. Therefore, I cut off all the weapons supply and let Israel lose the red line of iron protection protection."

Bynden pointed out that Neitana's attitude towards the Gaza War was more harmful to Israel than to help.He reiterated that Israel has the right to defend and pursue Hamas, but Neutana must pay more attention to civilian death caused by the operation of the army.

The HMS Richmond fright in the UK hit the Hussean drone that hit the Hussean in the Red Sea on Saturday.Richmond is one of the warships participating in the Red Sea escort plan "Prosperous Guardian Action" led by the United States.(Reuters)

The Central Command of the United States said on Saturday that the United States and the allies shot down the 28 drones launched by the Hascean armed in the Red Sea and Aden Bay vessels on the same day.This is one of the largest attacks on the Red Sea Shipping so far.

The Hussean spokesman said that they first attacked the merchant ship to the Propel Fortune, and then launched 37 drones to multiple American warships.The Fortune Hanging Singaporean flag is hung, but Hussean claims it is an American ship.

In addition, Israel criticized on Saturday that Canada and Sweden resumed funding for the United Nations Real East Palestinian refugee relief and engineering (UNRWA)."" ".