(Istanbul/Kiev Comprehensive Electric) Turkish President Erdogan said that Turkey has been preparing to host a peaceful summit for Russia and Ukraine.However, Ukrainian President Zelezki refused to negotiate directly with Russia and stated that the Peace Summit held in Switzerland proposed the peace plan of Ukraine.

Erdogan held a talks with the visiting Zelei on Friday (March 8), "We have done a good job in the Peace Summit where Russia will also attend ...At the same time, Turkey will continue to work hard to end the war and promote fair peace through negotiations.

However, Zerrenki rejected Erdogan's proposal.He pointed out that Switzerland is about to hold a Peace Summit. Kiev will propose his own peace plan at that time, but Russia will not attend.

Zelei said: "We don't know how to invite those who obstruct, destroy and kill everything, we want the talks to achieve results."

Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmeigal revealed on Friday that the European Union would provide Ukraine with 4.5 billion (about S $ 6.5 billion) and 1.5 billion euros in March and April.

He said: "Our goal this year is to get about 16 billion euros from the European Union. Ukraine will have the resources of fighting and winning. This is our main goal. We will do our best to do it."

Ukraine: Timely military aid in the West can prevent the spread of war

However, Ukraine Foreign Minister Culbaba, who visited Lithuania, reminded Western allies on Friday to gradually provide military aid strategies for Ukraine to be effective, and timely transfer military materials to ensure that the war will not spread.

He said: "The strategy of providing assistance to Ukraine little by little is no longer effective ... If it continues according to the current situation, it will not have good results for all of us."

Kulba said that countries must accept the new reality of the European Peace era. He called on the allies to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine in a timely manner to ensure that Ukraine defeats Russia.

Kulba urges people to "wake up and read historical books" outside Ukraine.He said: "The weak decision means more war, and a strong decision means the end of the war, which is so simple."

Lithuania Foreign Minister Langzbelgis pointed out that Kiev's allies "should designate red lines for Russia" instead of limiting themselves.He believes that Ukraine's allies should not "exclude any form of support."