(Gaza Comprehensive Electric) The United Nations is responsible for the rescue of Palestinian refugees to report, and Israel is sentenced to confession during the detainee of Israel, forcing them to claim that the agency has contact with Hamas, and some staff participated in the big big of Israel five months ago.Scaled attack.

UNRWA said in a report that stated in February in the report that the Palestinian Remedy and Engineering Office (UNRWA), the Palestinians who were detained by the Palestinians who were explained by the army.Employee of Uninrwa.

This report has not yet been made public, but according to the report that Reuters saw, the abuse of the UNRWA personnel included beating and water torture, and the army threatened to hurt their family."Institutional staff was threatened and coerced by Israel's official during the detention, and was forced to make false statements that were not conducive to the engineering department, including saying that it had contact with Hamas and UNRWA employees participated in the atrocities on October 7."


Report also records the allegations of other detained Palestinians' abuse, including being beaten, insulted, threatened, sexual violence, and death due to failure to get treatment.

It is reported that the report was written after the interview with dozens of released Palestinians.UNRWA News Director Toma said the agency is going to hand over the report to a joint domestic and foreign institutions that specifically record potential human rights."When the war is over, it is necessary to conduct a series of investigations on all behaviors of human rights."

When the Israeli military spokesman was asked, he did not respond directly to the above reports. He only said that the military and the international law protection of the rights and interests of the defenders followed the military.The spokesman was controlled by Hamas after being released by the defender and may also be forced to accuse Israel.

Because Israel charged many members of Uninrwa as a member of Hamas, some also participated in the attack in October last year, which caused 16 countries including the United States to freeze the funding of UNRWA. The United Nations also launched an internal survey.personnel.

After the humanitarian crisis in Gaza has severely deteriorated recently, some countries have resumed to provide rescue funds for Gasha.Canada announced on Friday (8th) that it will restore funding UNRWA as one of the first international donors.The European Union was the first time that it was the first time that it was aware of the frozen announcement.

UNRWA Director Commissioner Lazarini said on Friday that UNRWA has "not received any evidence" to support these allegations about the Israeli charges of UNRWA employees participating in October.