(United Nations Comprehensive Electric) UN Secretary -General Guterres pointed out that the strong resistance of women's rights worldwide is threatening or even the progress of developing countries and developed countries. According to the current pace, women must be legal in lawIt takes 300 years to obtain complete equality.

International Women's Day (March 8), Gutres launched a plan to enhance women and girls around the world at the event held by the United Nations headquarters.In his speech, he said: "From poverty and hunger, to climate disaster, war, and terror threats, the global crisis we face is the most serious about women and girls. I urge governments to give priority to the equal rights of women and girls."

"We will support policies, budgets and investments that meet the needs of women and girls in the world."

Gutres pointed out that at the current speed of change, women need to get full equality in law and end children's marriage for about 300 years."Unless it takes action immediately, in 2030, more than 340 million women and girls will still live in extreme poverty, about 18 million more than men and boys."

In New York, USA, demonstrators sympathizing with Palestine held protests on the International Women's Day (March 8), blocking the road caused traffic obstructions and arrested by the police.(Agence France -Presse)

A large -scale parade in the International Women's Festival in many cities in the world, in order to fight for women's rights and protesting gender violence.

Tens of thousands of women participated in demonstrations in more than 40 cities in Spain under the call of women's groups.A demonstrator told Reuters: "Our women's voice has not been heard for a long time. We are tired of the right of equality and have to struggle to meet the basic needs."

Italy also marching on the streets in Rome and Milan also called for ending violence against women; some women's groups in Afghanistan held demonstrations in private venues, which demanded restrictions on their work and acceptance of education.

French President Macron was "stamped" for the constitution of abortion rights at a public ceremony that day, which officially took effect on the amendment.France is the first country to include abortion to the Constitution.