(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden Biden President Biden Posted on Thursday (March 7) published the last National Intelligence Consultation in his tenure.In addition to attacking the former President Trump, which was nominated by the Republican presidential candidate, President Trump pose a threat to democracy. Biden also stated his economic achievements, while counterattacking the accusations about his age and not suitable for re -election.

Bynden originally pointed out that democracy was threatened at home and abroad, but he did not mention Trump's name at all in his speech, but to attack the Republican opponent 13 times with "my predecessor".

He accused Trump accusing Russia's president of Putin, and even invited Putin to attack NATO member states who did not fulfill their financial obligations. "This is angry, dangerous and unacceptable."

Biden stated that he would not abandon Ukraine, and urged Congress to provide more funds for Ukraine: "We must bravely face Putin and give me a two -party national security bill. History is witnessing all this."

Palestinian Democratic Republic of Palestine Democratic Party Try (Middle) and Missouri Democratic Representative Bush (right) in the United States published a "stop transporting bomb" when Pedendon published a national information advice.And the sign of the "immediately ceasefire" protest against Bayon's support of Israel.(Agence France -Presse)

Biden also accused Trump and Republicans trying to rewrite the history of the riots of the Capitol of Congress on January 6, 2021: "My predecessor and some of you tried to cover up the truth on January 6th.Do ... you can't only love you when you win. "

Biden: Do not seek conflict with Beijing

When talking about competition with China, Biden said that the United States is "more favorable" in fighting against China than other countries, but he emphasizes that he does not seek conflict with Beijing.

He said: "We resolutely oppose China's unfair economic behavior ... We want to compete with China, not conflict. In competition with China or other countries, we are in a more favorable position and can win the 21st centuryCompetition P. " Bynden described that the strong economic growth in the United States is "the greatest rejuvenation story of unprecedented unprecedented rejuvenation."

He said: "I have inherited an economical economy. Now, our economy is envious of the world. In just three years, our new jobs have reached 15 million, a record high, the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate, and the unemployment rateAt the lowest point in 50 years "

Showing endurance and humorous Biden counterattack too much criticism

Bynden, 81, is rarely in a pretty state in a 68 -minute speech.He showed endurance, clear tone, and showed humor from time to time when attacking Republicans.

In response to Americans' concerns about his age, Biden said, "I know you can't see it, but I have been in my debut for some years ... When you reach my age, some things will become extremely clear."

He pointed out: "Hate, anger, revenge, and retribution are one of the oldest ideas, but you cannot use the ancient ideas that only let us retreat to lead the United States. To lead the United States this possibility of land, youYou need a vision for the future of the United States and what it should be like.

Biden explained the dream of the middle class, the safer streets, and a unified and inclusive United States.He said, "I see the future."

For Biden's speech, US Vice President Harris has applauded him many times, and Democratic members also shouted "Four years!"

Trump, who was criticized by Biden, posted a post on his social media platform Truth Social: "He looks so angry when he speaks.Shouting is not helpful for letting our country unite again! "