(Washington Composite Electric) An intelligence analyst at the US Army was accused of selling sensitive defense information to China.

The US Department of Justice issued a statement saying that federal prosecutors have accused Korbein Schultz conspiring to leak defense information, exported national defense items and technical data, and bribes of public officials.The Chinese class was detained on Thursday (March 7) at Fort Campbell, Kent, Kent.

According to the indictment, since June 2022, Schultz provided a person living in Hong Kong with documents, maps and photos containing US defense information, and received a total of 420,000 US dollars (about 56,000 new newYuan) as a reward.

The U.S. Department of Justice said that one of the information leaked by Schultz is that once Taiwan is attacked, how the United States will help; other leaks are about the United States' fighters and helicopters, high -mobility multi -tube rocket systems (HIMARS), voice speed equipment, and military research in the United States and China.

The prosecution did not disclose which country Schultz sold his military secrets to, but media reported to China.

In addition to Schultz, the US Department of Justice also arrested two Chinese naval soldiers who provided sensitive military information to China last August.Both of them were naturalized citizens of the United States born in China. One of them acknowledged that bribery was leaked to China in January this year and sentenced to 27 months in prison.