In response to the signing of the "Promoting the Solving the Dispute Act of Tibetan and China", a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded on Saturday (July 13) that the bill violated the American government's consistent stand and commitment and "Tibetan independence"A serious error signal was issued.China has resolutely opposed this and has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

According to a statement issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs's website on Saturday, the US President Biden signed the "Promoting the Solving the Dispute Act of Tibet".The bill refers to the concept of Dalai Lama's "Tibetan District" and requires the US government and "special coordinator of Tibetan affairs" to counterattack the Chinese government's "false information involved in Tibet."The US President Biden also issued a statement saying that the bill did not change the long -term policy of the United States, that is, acknowledging that the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan regions in China are part of China.What is China's comment?

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the so -called "promoting the resolution of the dispute between Tibet and China" violated the consistent position and commitment of the US government, violated the basic criteria of international relations, interfered in China's internal affairs, and severely damaged the interests of China.The forces of Tibetan independence issued a serious error signal.China has resolutely opposed this and has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

The spokesman pointed out that Tibet has been part of China since ancient times.Tibetan affairs are purely Chinese internal affairs and cannot interfere with any external forces.At present, the overall social situation of Tibet is peaceful and harmonious, the economic operation continues to improve, the guarantee of people's livelihood is strong, and the new situation of long -term stability and high -quality development is constantly developing.Anyone's delusion will never succeed in curbing Tibet by random Tibet.

The spokesman emphasized that China urged the United States to adhere to the promise of recognizing that Tibet is part of China and does not support "Tibet Independence", and shall not implement the above bills.If the United States is interested, China will take resolute and effective measures to firmly defend the development interests of its own sovereignty.

The Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama was exiled India after the Larasa incident in 1959, and then established the Tibetan government that has not been recognized by the Chinese Central Government in the local area.Dalai and its representatives have discontinued with China since 2010, and Dalai Lama unloaded the Tibetan exile government leadership positions in 2011.

The overwhelming voting of the US House of Representatives on June 12 this year passed the "Promoting Solution of Tibetan Disputes".Mike McCell, chairman of the US House of Representatives, led the cross -party members' delegation to meet with the Dalai Lama in Dalai Lama in Dalai Lama in Dalai Lama in Dalai Lama successor in a week later, and said that China would not be allowed to affect the choice of Dalai Lama's successor.