According to the US News Weekly website reported on July 10, a new poll shows that if Bayon decides to withdraw from the US presidential election this year, Vice President Harris will become a replacement of BidenDemocratic presidential candidate's primary candidate.

It is reported that Bayeng's performance in the television debate with former President Trump on June 27 was severely criticized.Due to Wayon's health, he asked him to return to the election.Biden repeatedly stated that he had no intention of withdrawing from the election.Most influential Democrats still expressed their support to him in public.

Reports pointed out that the guess of Biden's retreat is still continuing, and some people calling on Biden to withdraw, saying that he should be replaced by people outside Harris.California Governor Gavin Newson, Governor Gray Whito, Governor of Michigan, and Governor of Pennsylvania, Governor Joshi Siplo, etc. are regarded as candidates.

It is reported that a poll conducted from July 7th to 9th found that 73%of Democratic supporters "a little" or "strong" supported Harris to replace Bayeng for election.The support rate of other alternative candidates lags far behind Harris.

polls also found that Democratic voters believe that Biden is likely to defeat Trump in the November election.55%of the respondents believe that Biden "most likely" wins.Only 46%think that Harris can win against Trump and even lower confidence in winning other candidates.

When asked "whether Biden should abandon the nomination of the Democratic Party's presidential candidate and let another Democratic party run", 42%of Democratic voters believe that Biden "affirmation" or "possibly" should withdraw, and 45 and 45%Of voters think not.

Among the respondents who recognized political parties, 45%of people believed that Harris was "not enough to be president."88%of the Republican interviewees believe that Harris is not sufficient, and 79%of Democratic supporters think she is sufficient.

This poll was carried out by the British Public Investigation Company and conducted an online questionnaire survey of 1620 American adults.(Compilation/Guo Jun)