image source, EPA

The farce and pointed mutual mutual interoperability accompanied by French summer elections have ended.Now it has entered the second stage -when the parliamentary triple -footed final result was unknown after voting on Saturday (July 6), establishing an effective operation may experience a longer and equally fierce struggle.

"Many things are unclear. We know who lost, but we don't know who won. Can we learn so unusual compromise art for us? No one knowsOkay, "Le Monde columnist Sylvie Kauffmann said to me.

The risk of falling into an impasse is for France, for its constitutional order, European stability, and even the risk of Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Dawn of the Dawn?

It is worth remembering that this country is no stranger to dealing with political turmoil.Leaving aside the revolution, there was confusion and rebellion after the Second World War, and eventually subverted the French Constitution order, and produced the current government system -the Fifth Republic of France.

The "coexistence" challenge has recently appeared -the president and prime minister from the hostile party have been forced to share power.

As politicians start to spend summer vacations, or focus on the upcoming Paris Olympic Games, France's political temperature is likely to be reduced by one or two, at least a short period of time.

However, the "coexistence dispute" of the 1980s and 1990s seemed to be a quarrel that happened for the wine list, and many observers predict that the fierce quarrel in front of the dawn will be in the next few weeks or even months.The inner French National Assembly continues.

Some people want to know whether French voters have three minority factions with almost the same size, whether it has made the country "difficult to control"; or whether it is just facing many other European countries that almost work hard to deal withThe challenge of reaching compromise.

Who will become the next Prime Minister?

The French left -wing alliance "New People's Front" (NPF) unexpectedly won the most seats in this parliamentary election, and now it has won the selection -or trying to choose -the next Prime Minister's right to implement the relevant agenda.

But because the majority that can be organized, any possible candidate needs to win the support of other more intermediate political parties.Who may meet this requirement?

Before the election, the "New People's Front" quickly united around a common platform.However, the party has profound political differences, from anti -funded principal and communists to mainstream social Democratic parties.

There are still some divisions of the alliance, such as Jean-Luc Melenchon, a very left agitated, and he may quickly cause the league to collapse due to the French political left factions.

Some people also want to know whether the Green Party leader Marine Tondelier is a suitable candidate.In the political pattern of scarred because of personal grievances, sometimes or even having a thin fight, her relatively low -key image may be an asset.

"Macronism is dead"

During this time, Emmanuel Macron was still sitting on the presidential throne. He was scarred because of his political trauma, but it can be said to be stronger than a few days ago.

As he disbanded the parliament and performed completely unnecessary election gambling, his intermediate group lost nearly one -third of the seats of the National Assembly.The "abandoned insurance operation" with the "New People's Front" is disciplined but crazy, which helps it to protect it in the second round of voting more seats than the prediction of polls.

When the National Assembly is in a deadlock, can Macron get rid of chaos and consolidate his status?Even Macron's allies seemed to have doubts about it, and believe that he has now fallen into the "restraint" of extreme factions, although he promised to eliminate them from French political life.

Gilles Legendre once led Macron's party in Parliament.The former member who has already said to BBC said: "The President of the Republic will now maintain a small room for action. But he will no longer be the driving force of the French political program. From this perspective, seven years later, Macronism has alreadyDead.

Where does the National Alliance go from?

Image source, EPA

There is no doubt that the right -wing "National Alliance" (RN) will soon recover from the shock of the results of the Sunday night.The ecstatic street celebrations in Paris are in sharp contrast.

The National Alliance tries to re -blame the "dishonest alliance" composed of its competitors for its competitors, instead of proved that the alliance has a small number of reliable candidates for "abandonment operations" that damage others and benefits themselves.People and the National Alliances did not allow enough French voters to see the party's sincerity from the party.

The National Alliance will definitely strive to promote its own agenda, including restricting immigration and promoting schools and public security reforms.Given that the National Alliance has recently supported the Kremlin and its occupation of Crimea, the party's commitment to Ukraine still seemed unclear.

The National Alliance is now sure that the parliament will either fall into a deadlock or be dominated by the economic splurge, which may further threaten France's intense budget.

Under the obstruction of left -wing extremists and old elites, the turbulence of several months or even years may allow the National Alliance to depict itself as a stable and modern power.

This in turn may provide a good opportunity for the National Union in any parliamentary election held in advance to increase its voting share.However, the real reward was to push his leader Marine Le Pen (Marin Le Pen) to the president's throne in the 2027 presidential election.

How did the amazing victory of the left -wing alliance happened?

Laura Gozzi

In the second round of the National Parliament elections held in France in advance, the left -wing alliance established less than a month ago has achieved amazing victory.

The "New People's Front" (NPF) is a widely -party group composed of middle left and left party, including the Socialist Party, the Green Party, the Communist Party, and the radical left -wing "French Unyielding Party" (LFI).

Image source, EPA

Although these political parties have criticized each other in the past and have some significant differences in ideology and behavior, when President Macron announced the election on June 9, they decided to set up a platform and will be extremely right -wing forces.Excluded.

This strategy has worked.Out of everyone's expectations, "New people"Front" won a total of 182 seats on Sunday.

A week ago, the top right -wing party National Alliance, which ranked among the top rounds of voting a week, received 143 seats.

With the joint efforts of the left and middle -aged political parties, the alliance strategically withdrawn from candidate in some constituencies to avoid the competition between the three parties, in order to concentrate the candidates of the Right -wing National Alliance.

There are more than 200 candidates from the left -wing league withdrawn from the second round of decisions, thereby changing the election results.

Different from the Left Alliance

The left -wing party established the "New People's Front" for the real fear of the right -right National Alliance to seize the political regime.

The results of the second round of voting are avoided, but the elected members of the "New People's Front" should find a way to cooperate in the National Parliament.It now appears that it is easier to join for most of the seats with the very right -wing party.

Shortly after the announcement of export polls on Sunday evening, the differences have begun to appear.

The "New People's Front" party leader acknowledged that the current situation is the result of joint efforts, but they each celebrate the result and some key differences in how to deal with the elections have begun to appear.

Because the "New People's Front" has not won an absolute majority, some left -wing people said that their party groups will seek support from other political parties, such as President Macron's political party alliance.

Rapha? L Glucksmann, a left -wing politician, is a rising star in the Socialist Party.He said that party factions with different political orientation must unite to reach an agreement, as in other parts of Europe.

Former French Socialist President Francois Hollande, who has been elected as parliamentarian, said that if possible, the "New People's Front" must try to form an alliance with other groups, although he acknowledges that it will be very difficultEssence

However, Meilangxiong, a radical left -wing leader of the "French Unyielding Party" (LFI), eliminated the possibility of cooperation with the President of Macron. He called for the "New People's Front" to have the opportunity to nominate the prime minister's candidate.