They embrace together and walk under the tree.They drank tea to communicate their minds, and a few hours of chatting.They stroked the horses together in the horse.?

During the first visit to Russia for the first time in Russia for the first time in Russia in five years, Russian President Putin got along with him for the first time in five years.

Although Western has taken an isolated Russian operation because of the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, other countries have pursued their own interests on the Moscow issue, helping Putin support Russia's economy and continue to wage war.After several years of invasion of Russia, India, which has close relations with the United States, has become the second largest Russian oil importer after China.

Modi's state visit highlights this.On Monday evening, Modi's first stop was to travel to Putin's residence in the outskirts of Moscow.On Tuesday, Putin awarded the Medal of the Russian government's highest civil honor Santa.

"In the past two and a half years, Russia's atrocities are endless, and most countries in the world and Moscow have maintained some kind of relationship as ever, and they are not timid or uneasy,"Andrew Wes, the deputy president who will be responsible for research."This is a distressed annotation of Russia's continuous geopolitical influence."

On Monday evening, while Modi and Putin hugged, Kiev's rescue workers and volunteers were cleaning up the rubble left after Russia's largest pediatric hospital in Ukraine.In addition to the destroyed medical facilities, the children are also hanging venous syringes. Some children are all blood. These pictures make this country that is exhausted in the bombing of Russia for more than two years.

"In such a day, seeing the leaders of democratic countries in the world embrace the most bloody criminals in the world in Moscow, it is also disappointing, and it is also a devastating blow to peaceful efforts," Ukraine President ZeleiThe base is written on X.

At the same time as this national visit, NATO countries met in Washington on Tuesday to discuss the issue of continuing to support Ukraine.

The Western government failed to persuade the government in India and many other countries in the world to publicly oppose Putin's war.Modi did not condemn Russia's invasion. Instead, he issued a universal peace appeal and maintained a friendly relationship established with Moscow since the Cold War.

The Indian leader said that he discussed the Ukrainian issue with Putin in the official residence, and the two sides agreed that it was necessary to realize peace as soon as possible.

On Tuesday, Modi said, "Anyone who believes in human nature will feel pain when someone is dead, especially when innocent children die." His words may refer to the hospital attack."When we feel such pain, our hearts will explode. Yesterday I had a chance to talk about these problems with you."

This time, the state visits provided more evidence, indicating that Putin successfully avoided Western leaders' status that Western leaders tried to impose to him after the Russian invasion.Putin has always maintained a busy diplomatic agenda and held two meetings with China within two months. He also met with leaders of Vietnam, Hungary, Belarus, and Central Asian countries.

On Tuesday, Indian officials said that the two countries had reached a number of agreements on strengthening economic relations, with the goal of 2030 bilateral trade reached 100 billion US dollars.

Russia and India also stated that they will strengthen military cooperation, including creating more weapon parts in India.They promise to continue to develop the national payment system so that Russia can trade outside the US dollar and stay away from the platform affected by Western sanctions.

Modi said that in the past 10 years, he has met Putin 17 times in the past 10 years.He invited Putin to visit India next year.

According to the Tas Society of Russia's official news agency, when Modi met with members of the Indian community in Moscow, "Russia is a real friend of India."

Although there are very few Russian crude oil imported from India before invading Ukraine, since then, India has become the second largest imported from China after China, and although the West banned most of the oil from Russia, India has stillHelp the treasury of the Kremlin.India also frequently exports products refined by Russian crude oil into European countries restricted by the ban, becoming a strong middleman.

The State Council spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters on Tuesday that the United States "expressed our concerns very clearly about the relationship between India and Russia, and" directly proposed these concerns to the Indian government in private "-nintectIn the past 24 hours.

On Tuesday, Modi said that as a friend, he has always told Putin that peace is a prerequisite for future generations with a bright future.

"So we think war is not a solution," he said."Can't solve problems through war. Bomb, missiles and rifles cannot ensure peace. So we emphasize dialogue."

The friendly relationship between India and Moscow has a long history.For decades, most of India's weapons and military equipment have been provided by the Soviet Union and later Russia. Although this dependence has decreased in recent years, some reasons are pressure from the United States.

"This is a relationship that has been tested by time. In India, no matter what political tendencies, there is a consensus, that is, the relationship with Russia should be maintained, not wasted," the honorary professor of political science at the city collegeLazana Mei Nong said.

Putin described the invasion of Ukraine as an anti -imperialist struggle against Western erosion. This information resonated in some developing countries that once lived in Western colonialism.According to a polls conducted by the Petoy Research Center this year, only 16%of Indian respondents held a negative view of Russia. In contrast, 46%of the respondents held a positive view of Russia.

According to government officials, in the talks with Putin, Modi asked Russia to dismiss the Indian nationals in the army as soon as possible.This controversial issue has brought unhappiness to the friendly relationship between the two countries.Putin agreed to remove these Indian citizens, and India claims that 35 to 50 people belong to this situation.

Mei Nong predicts that in the long run, India will continue to deepen relations with the United States, but it will not be at the cost of a must -choose station.

"Peel out India and let it join the American camp, this kind of thing is impossible," he said."Are you willing to rely entirely on the United States or Russia, or are you looking for a flexible and motorized position between the two?"