The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that developing countries should not be at the low -end international industry chain. They must jointly oppose behaviors such as "democracy", "human rights" and "overcapacity" and other guys on curbing.

According to the WeChat public account of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the Chinese ambassador to the United States and the usual national organization observer Xie Feng on Wednesday (June 26) led the Chinese government delegation to attend the Chinese government delegation to attend the capital of Yasongsen, the capital of Paraguay.The 54th Annual Meeting of the American National Organization.

Xie Feng said at the dialogue between the member states and the observer states that, regardless of whether the size is strong and weak is a member of the international community, the global affairs must be discussed by everyone.It is necessary to support each other on the issues involving the core interests of each other, and make a China -Latinar sound to promote the multi -polarization of the world in an orderly and orderly world.

Xie Feng said that China has adhered to development priority and advocating inclusive and inclusive economic globalization.Developing countries should not be at the low -end international industry chain. They must jointly oppose the development environment of open and fair non -discrimination under the guise of "democracy", "human rights", "rules", and "overcapacity".

He said that China has always been a firm member of the "south of the world", promoting the backbone of the "global south" development revitalization, and will actively expand imports from other developing countries and carry out various formal mutually beneficial cooperation.Together, global economicization has developed towards more openness, tolerance, inclusiveness, and balanced directions.

Xie Feng said that China advocates promoting the establishment of a community of human destiny, surpassing conflicts with peaceful development, replacing absolute security with common security, and discarding the zero -sum game with mutual benefit and win -win situation to prevent civilized conflicts in exchange and mutual learning.Care for the Earth's home with green development.China adheres to the concept of global governance and sharing, implement the common value of all mankind, builds the “Belt and Road” with high quality, implement the global development, security, and civilized initiatives, and to promote countries to deal with challenges.

Xie Feng actively evaluates China's cooperation with Latin America and the organization of China and American countries, emphasizing that equal respect is the most distinctive characteristics of China -Latinating cooperation. Common development is the most substantial connotation of Sino -Latinar cooperation.The most valuable orientation of pulling.

He said that China -Latinner cooperation is the independent choice of both parties, in line with the needs of both parties, and is not targeted at third parties, and is not affected by third parties.China has no geopolitical considerations in Latin America, and it will continue to adhere to the concept of true and sincere concepts and correct righteousness, and continue to promote the establishment of a community of destiny in China.