According to polls, former US President Donald Trump is expected to have power in the presidential election in November, but it is still difficult to win.

No matter who wins, the election results will affect the world, affecting the lives of millions of people outside the United States.

Trump will be confirmed to be the party's presidential candidate at the Republican National Congress held in July this year, and he is not always clear about his administration plan.

But it is obvious that his policies in many fields will be very different from Democratic President Joe Biden.Here are some of them.

Will Trump continue to support Ukraine?

Since Russia's full invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the United States has provided billions of dollars in military assistance to Ukraine. Trump has long been criticizing this for a long time.

During his tenure as the president, he publicly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he promised to end the war if he was elected.He did not explain how he would do, but the remarks caused people to pressure him to put pressure on Ukraine, forcing him to worry about the territory to cut territories from Russia.

For several months, Trump's Republican branch holders have been trying to obstruct a bill that includes US $ 60 billion in military aid, although when the bill was finally passed in April, he did not commenttoo much.

However, one of Trump's allies and Hungarian Prime Minister VIKTOR ORBAN said in March after visiting Florida that if Trump wins, he will not give Ukraine a penny for a penny"" ".

When asked about Olban's remarks, Trump told Times Magazine: "Unless Europe began to have a fair plan, I will not pay."

Trump said that he "will try to help Ukraine," but Europe "has not paid their shares to pay."

The reduction of the army has resonated with the Republican voters.A polls released by Pew Research Center on May 8th showed that 49%of the Republicans interviewed believed that Washington had spent too much on the Ukrainian issue, and only 17%of Democratic voters holding this view.

Michelle Bentley, an international relations expert at Royal Holloway University, said that the message expressed by Trump may have affected because Putin may now have an impactIt is expected to win and feel "fearless".

Will Trump allow the United States to withdraw from NATO?

The North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) is a military alliance composed of 32 countries including the United States, Britain, Germany and France, and is one of Trump's most hate organizations.

When serving as president, Trump often threatened that if other member states failed to reach the target of 2%of the capital (GDP) of the agreed defense, the United States will withdraw from the organization.

According to the NATO regulations, attacks on any member of NATO are regarded as an attack on all countries in the group.

But in February this year, he said that he would not protect a country that "without paying" and would encourage Moscow to "do whatever you want."

His campaign website said that Trump's goal is to "fundamentally re -evaluate" the purpose and mission of NATO.

There are differences between people who will let the United States withdraw from NATO.

Royal United Services Institute, a headquarters in London, said Ed ARNOLD said that Trump can still "weaken it" when the United States does not withdraw from NATO -For example, reducing the number of military in Europe and the United States, or response to the United States when Russia's invasion of NATO member states.

Trump promises large -scale deportation

Trump promoted radical immigration policy during his presidential office. He vowed to return to the White House, and he would go further.

He said that on the first day of his office, he will "start the largest domestic deportation operation in American history."

The Republican also promised to terminate the citizenship of the birth of illegal immigrant children and declared war on the Mexican drug trafficking group.

Last year, he also said that he would expand the previous controversial travel ban to prohibit people from the majority of Muslims from entering the country.

Doris Meissner is a former director of the American Immigration and Return (INS) that has been dissolved and is now an expert in Migration Policy Institute in Washington.She said: "In addition to seeking to expel millions of illegal immigrants, including many people who have lived in the United States for decades, Trump also tried to reduce legal immigrants."

Trump's website emphasized that he had suspended US refugee resettlement plans during his term, and Masner said he would likely try to do so again.

She believes that the former president's plan will encounter legal obstacles, just as he was in the first term, when the court made intervention in the travel ban.

In addition, his deportation plan "will directly face a reality, that is, the federal government does not have enough resources to detention and deportation close to the number of people promised by Trump," she added.

President Bayeng promised to adopt more "humanitarian" policies on immigration issues and suspended or canceled several border policies in Trump's era.However, polls show that left -wing and right -wing voters are worried about the number of immigrants, which makes him face a subtle balance.

In June, the Bayeng government issued a comprehensive order that allowed officials to quickly expel illegal immigrants that illegally entered the United States without handling the application of asylum.Two weeks later, he announced a policy to protect hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens from being deported.

Will Trump continue to support Israel?

While serving as president, Trump publicly supported Israel and its right -wing government.

He overthrew official US policies over the past decades, announced that he acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocated the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

These two measures were regarded by the Palestinians as a controversial issue in Jerusalem's position, but Biden did not revoke.

The Trump administration supports the establishment of a Jewish settlement on the west bank of the occupied Jordan.According to international law, most countries believe that these settlements are illegal, but Israel does not agree with this.

His government has also contributed to the normalization of the four Arab League countries in Israel, Barin, UAE, Sudan, and Morocco.

But some people think that he is in a gap in Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Network, because in 2020, when the US presidential election, Neitanahu still favored the results of the election in Trump.When he raised his objection, he called Biden to congratulate him.

At the attack on October 7 last yearAfter the attack, Trump said that Neitania's attack on Hamas was "not ready", and said that Lebanon's radical Islamic Organizing Altho was "clever", which caused the anger of Republicans who supported Israel.

Trump continues to emphasize his support for Israel, saying that Israel must "complete" their actions launched by Hamas militants in Gaza, but they need to "end as soon as possible" because the country is "losing the public relations war war war war war war."" ".

He said in an interview with Times Magazine that if Israel and Iran have war, he will "protect Israel", but does not explain in detail how he will do it.As the president, he let the United States withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement and increased sanctions, and also authorized to launch a attack, killing Iran's most powerful military commander Qasem Soleimani.

Will Trump strengthen pressure on China?

Trump started a fierce trade war with China at his tenure.If he was elected again, he suggested that more than 60%of Chinese goods are imposed.

Last year, he also talked about intending to take "positive new restrictions" to "prevent China from buying in the future" infrastructure in key areas such as US energy and telecommunications.

As the tension between the South China Sea and Taiwan has intensified, some people in the Trump circle want to see the US security policy more concerned about China.

Elbridge Colby is the consultant of the Ministry of Defense of the Trump administration. He has become an important voice in the security issues of the Republican Party and is expected to hold important positions in the Trump administrationEssence

This conservative intellectual is to hope that Washington will use Beijing as one of the Republicans of its overseas priority matters.

"This is not to say that we should ignore Ukraine, but that in the case of China's threat to the interests of the United States more than Russia, supporting Ukraine should not be a priority," Kolby said.

He added that he was convinced that Trump was "very clear about this."

Taiwan's autonomy is that it is different from mainland China and has its own constitution and election leader.

But Beijing regards it as its own province, and will eventually be unified with the mainland, and does not rule out the possibility of using force to use force.

According to the American tradition, Washington has deliberately adopted a vague policy on China's attack on Taiwan, although Biden is the most clear that the United States will defend Taiwan's leaders so far.

Trump refused to disclose what actions he would take.However, after winning the 2016 election, he accepted the congratulations from the president of Taiwan, breaking the policy that the United States has not had official contact with Taiwan for decades, and caused China to dissatisfy.

So what about environmental problems?

Trump allowed the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2015 during his tenure.Biden reversed the move -Trump's campaign website said he would quit again.

He also promised to adopt "Drilling, Baby, Drilling, Baby, Drill) policy in the energy field to provide cheaper energy sources.

His campaign website also said that he will stop the "boring lawsuit" of environmentalists, terminate subsidies to wind power, reduce taxes on oil, natural gas and coal manufacturers, and cancel the car tail gas emissions proposed by Biden Biden.Regulations.

Professor David G Victor, a climate change expert at the University of California's University of California (San Diego), said that in the past 30 years, no two presidential candidates have been on climate issues.So big.

Victor was also the main author of the Special Committee (IPCC) of the Intergovernmental Climate Change of the United Nations.He said that Trump's choice will be a "disaster" for the existing climate goals of the US government.

"He will alienate our ally ... so there will be a lot of panic," he said.

Dr. Simon Evans, deputy editor -in -chief of the well -known climate change website "Carbon Brief", said that if Trump returns to the White House, the United States will "be very impossible" to achieve its international climate commitmentEssence

He wrote a research report with others.The report believes that under the leadership of Biden, the United States may also be unable to achieve its climatic goals, but the gap will be smaller.

Byndon invested a historic 300 billion US dollars (239 billion pounds) to clean energy and climate through the Inflation Reduction Act.However, some climate activists opposed him to improve the production of oil and natural gas production, including Alaska's "Willow" oil field project.

"I think Biden has done his best," Victor said.

"He made a bold emission reduction commitment, but we could almost be achieved. But there is no doubt that his government has done more in climate policy than any of the government in history."