Reuters quoted three insiders, Biden BidenThe government is investigating China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom, because they are worried that these companies may obtain American data through its US cloud and Internet business and be handed over to China.

Reuters on Tuesday (June 25) reported that the US Department of Commerce was under investigation.People familiar with the matter said that the department has summoned the above -mentioned enterprises and completed the "risk -based analysis" of China Mobile and China Telecom, but the investigation of China Unicom is not so deep.

These companies still have a small amount of business in the United States, such as providing cloud services and route wholesale American Internet traffic.According to reports, this allows them to access Americans data, although telecommunications regulatory agencies prohibit them from providing telephone and retail Internet services in the United States.

These Chinese companies and their lawyers in the United States have not responded to the request for comment.The U.S. Department of Justice refused to comment, and the White House transferred the problem to the US Department of Commerce, but the Ministry of Commerce refused to comment.The Chinese Embassy in Washington stated that it is hoped that the United States will "stop targeting Chinese companies with false excuses" and add that China will continue to defend the rights and interests of Chinese companies.

Reuters did not find any evidence to indicate that these companies deliberately provided sensitive American data to the Chinese government, or had any other types of improper behavior.

China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom have long been the target of Washington.The Federal Communications Commission rejected China Mobile's application for telephone services in 2019, and revoked the licenses provided by China Telecom and China Unicom's telephone services in 2021 and 2022.Subsequently, the Federal Communications Commission further banned these companies from providing broadband services.