(Beijing / Washington Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Commerce of China criticized the United States on Monday on Monday that the United States issued proposed rules last week, which will restrict US companies' investment in China and affect normal trade cooperation between Chinese and American companies.

According to Voice of the United States, the US Department of Finance issued a notice (NPRM) on Friday (June 21) on Friday (June 21), which will restrict and supervise US -funded enterprises in the field of Chinese artificial intelligence, computer chips and quantum computing.investment.The proposed rules are derived from the administrative order issued by US President Biden Biden in August 2023, which aims to restrict US funds for "focusing on the country" for advanced technology.

The United States is expected to implement relevant regulations before the end of this year, and the deadline for the advice of the Ministry of Finance will be August 4.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce on Monday (June 24) on the official website, responded to the form of reporters, pointed out that the United States repeatedly emphasized that they did not intend to "decoupling" China and did not intend to obstruct the economic development of China, but insisted on publishing proposed rules.Limit US companies' investment in China and develop normally for China's industry.

A spokesman said that this is a typical generalized national security practice, violating the consensus of San Francisco to meet the San Francisco, which affects the normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States, destroy the international economic and trade order, and disrupt the security and stability of the global industrial chain supply chain.

A spokesman calls on the United States to respect the laws of market economy and the principles of fair competition, stop political and trade issues politically, weapons, cancel investment restrictions on China, and create a good environment for Sino -US economic and trade cooperation.