Morry Gash Posted by Reuters

The two oldest candidates in the history of the US presidential campaign held a unique television debate on Thursday.One of the opponents who accused him of confusion and threatened democracy, while the other accused him of his opponent's decline and corruption.

In less than five months before the election of November 5th, the 81 -year -old President Biden and 78 -year -old former President Trump basically tied in the national polls.

But many voters have not made a decision, which increases the importance of this debate.This debate will be considered more dramatic moments, rather than policy discussions between the President of the Democratic Party and the Republican challenger.

The following is the offensive and defensive point of the first presidential debate broadcast by CNN from Atlanta on Thursday time at 9pm on Thursday time (9 am Beijing time) CNN:

** Health issues **

Both candidates may face questions about whether their health can be competent, and past presidential candidates have never faced such doubts.

Trump claims that Biden is not suitable for his body and mind, while Bayeng claims his predecessor's "mental chaos" and pose a threat to democratic norms.

Bynden seeks for four years, his spirit and physical strength have been attracted attention and speculation.The critics said that his steps slowed down and pointed out a series of misunderstandings.Supporters believe that he is as keen as ever.

Trump often laughed at Biden at the rally, implying that he could not be competent.

Trump did not face the same doubt about his physical strength, but he often left the problem and occasionally made a mixed name. He even mistakenly called Bayon as the former President Obama, which aroused people's attention.

** Test of True Test **

Both candidates are irritable and lack of patience.They are accustomed to control the stage and act according to their wishes.Both have served as president and may have no reason to yield to each other.

"There are a lot of suspicion between the two sides," said Tevi Troy, a former Bush government official.He helped the Republican president to prepare for the debate with the Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004.

Brett O'donnell, a senior Republican debate consultant, said, "You can't show too much, this will look rude, and it looks like you are trampled to your opponent."

Biden and Trump may be a bit rusty.Trump refused to participate in the 2024 Republican primaries debate, and this decision has no harm to him because he easily defeats all competitors and has been nominated by the Republican Party.Biden has not participated in the debate in the past four years.

** The danger of false information **

Trump is notorious for fabricating lies and exaggerating his words in his speech, and usually a large number of factors investigators are needed to verify his claims.As we all know, Biden also told some exaggerated stories in the campaign.

But for the other candidate, it is dangerous to try to correct errors on the stage."Your time is limited," Troy said."You must clarify your point."

He said that it is best to leave the campaign assistant to do it, and they can quickly issue a statement to refute the opponent's remarks.Many news agencies also evaluate the authenticity of the candidate statement.

** Talk trap **

Biden will likely tend to play Trump's conviction of this card in New York.O’Donnell said that this is not a good idea, because this will further confirm that Trump has no basis for arguments, that is, Biden participated in his allegations that Trump was a victim of political persecution.

The Bayeng's campaign team recently spent $ 50 million to carry out publicity activities, focusing on publicizing Trump's guilty verdict, indicating that the Biden team regarded this as a key to winning.

For Trump, the danger lies in the remarks that will emphasize Bayeng's views (that is, Trump's threat of democratic norms).For example, Trump has hinted that he will use the Ministry of Justice to fight against his political opponents.

Aaron Kall, a presidential debate expert at the University of Michigan, said: "Trump must show the style of the president."

Trump may also complain about the forces that do against himself, as he often do in social media, or depict himself as a victim of political conspiracy.

But O’donnell said that the decision -making voters did not care about Trump's dissatisfaction."People are not interested in the candidate's questions, they only care about their own problems."

Political experts said that candidates should emphasize the cost of living, such as high food grocery, housing and energy prices to show their understanding of voters' emotions.

Democratic poll expert Brad Bannon said Bayeng needs to recognize that voters are still in a difficult situation.He said that Biden was "very good at expressing empathy. But he needed to do more."

** No audience feedback **

It is completely different from the previous presidential debate that there will be no audience at the debate scene.This may cause trouble to the two candidates, but it may be particularly the case for Trump because he often draws energy from the noisy audience.

Kall said that candidates may be a little confused and cannot understand the audience's argument and attacks in real time.Because there are no voters present, candidates may have more substantial content and less pretentious.

Another danger faced by Trump is: CNN said that candidate's microphone will be closed to prevent the other party from being interrupted when speaking.Trump may still find a way to let the audience hear him, but this may alienate some audiences.

As a former reality star, Trump has rich experience in the studio environment, while Biden has delivered a speech without audiences in the White House.The key to the success of debate may be that which candidate can resonate with the audience sitting at home to allow this form to play the best results.

CNN said last week that Trump would make a final speech in the debate.The Biden campaign team chose to make Biden stand on the right side of the audience's screen during the debate.Trump's campaign team later chose to let Trump publish the end.