US Secretary of Defense Austin emphasized that maintaining the safety and prosperity of the region continues to be the core operating principles of the US national security policy. "Only Asian security will the United States be safe."

Austin delivered a speech on Shangri -La dialogue on Saturday (June 1), reaching the United States' commitment to the security and prosperity of the region.He said that the United States is firmly committed to its commitment to the Indo -Pacific region, "we are fully investing (all in), and we will not go anywhere."

Austin mentioned that the global security environment is currently facing various threats and challenges, including continuous loss caused by climate change, major epidemic, nuclear risk, terrorism, the turbulence of the Middle East, the reckless war against Ukraine to Ukraine in the Middle East, Russia's reckless war against Ukraine to UkraineWait, "So we are standing at the critical moment of history."

He pointed out that countries in the Indo -Pacific region now have a new convergence in terms of security, which will form a more powerful, tough and capable partnership network, which will define the security of the Indo -Pacific regionNew era.

Austin explained that this convergence is for unity rather than division, not to impose the will of a country, but to awaken a sense of mission; not to be bullied or coerced, but to let the sovereign state choose freely.

He said that the core of this common vision is a series of common principles, including Indo -Pacific countries, including the United States, will gather around some long -lasting ideas.

Austin explained that this includes respect for sovereignty independence and freedom of international law, freedom of business and ideology, freedom of the ocean and sky, openness, transparency, and responsibility, and everyone enjoys equal dignity, and to resolve disputes peacefully through dialogue, rather than through coercion or conflictIt is not through the so -called punishment.

Austin also emphasized that the Indo -Pacific region is still the "Priority Theater of Operations" in the United States. "Maintaining the safety and prosperity of the region is still the core operation principle of US national security policy."

He said: "Let me make it clear that only Asian security will the United States be safe. This is why the United States has maintained in this area for a long time, and why we continue to make necessary investment to fulfill our allies and partners to allies and partners.Promise.