Chinese military representatives responded to the US Minister of Defense Austin that the Indo -Pacific strategy in the United States was to integrate small circles into the Asia -Pacific version of NATO, thereby maintaining the United States -led hegemony.

Austin Saturday (June 1) gave a speech at the General Assembly of Shangri -La, saying that countries in the Indo -Pacific region now have a new convergence in security, which will form a stronger and more toughness., More capable partnership network.

Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng, a member of the Chinese delegation and the deputy chief of staff of the Ministry of Staff of the Central Military Commission, subsequently attacked the Indo -Pacific Strategy of the United States at a hair dryer.The Cold War Thinking and Zero -sum game, engaged in a closed line of clubs. "

He said that the real purpose of the United States is to integrate small circles into the Asia -Pacific version of NATO's large circle, thereby maintaining the US -led hegemony position.Essence

Jing Jianfeng shouted to the regional state that the Asia -Pacific region is a big stage for peaceful development, not a arena in the geographical game, and prosperity and stability is the common pursuit of everyone; China has always adhered to sincerity and benefits, and maintenance with regional countries maintains handling hand in hand.Peace, build a common garden.

On the issue of the South China Sea, he accused the US narrative from the facts and created unnecessary panic.

Jing Jianfeng said: "50 % of the world's merchant ships and one -third of the Maritime Trade Airlines have been here. American merchant ships are also running here every day."

He also said that the situation in the South China Sea heating up is repeated, the root cause is that "the Philippines is rejected by faith, infringement provocations, the United States intervenes in the situation, and the fire is troubled."

Jing Jianfeng said that China and Yaosan are neighbors who can't move away. It is normal for neighbors to bump. "We have to discuss more things, and do something good.