The Sino -US representatives in the first special meeting of the incense meeting against the problem of conceptual problems. Paparo, commander of the United States India Commander, proposed that deterrence and guarantee of two -pronged approach can prevent conflicts and maintain stability.If you treat each other as a potential partner and have mutual trust, you do not need to be deterrent.

The Dutch National Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren and French Defense Deputy Chief of Staff Pierre Vandier.

Samuel Paparo proposed at the beginning that deterrence and guarantee are the cornerstone of modern military strategy and a different way to seek peace.

He said that the rise of artificial intelligence and further integration of the world economy have brought huge challenges to the 21st century.The cost of the war has never been so high, and everyone should have the burden, so deterrence and guarantee are essential.

Cui Tiankai: If the other party is a partner, there is no need to be too deterrent.

Cui Tiankai, who spoke after him, refuted that regardless of deterrence or guarantee is basically just tools and practices, but what kind of approach to take depends on the cognition of the world, himself and each other.

Cui Tiankai said that if the other party is a potential partner who can cooperate together to achieve common goals and interests, even if there are differences, there is no need to be too deterrent; if you have confidence, you can give sufficient guarantees.

Cui Tiankai also pointed out that he was the only diplomat and Asians on the stage, but fully understood why the United States and European friends were so concerned about deterrence, because the two World War of the 20th century originated in Europe. At present, there are still in this area.conflict."But now in the 21st century, we must think about the purpose of serving global peace in this approach?"

He said that although there are also war in the Asia -Pacific region, it has effectively built peace and regional cooperation mechanisms in the past few years."Maybe one day we can be more experienced."

Cui Tiankai's words caused Paparo to refute.He said to Cui Tiankai: "My dear friend, you say that all three of us want to fight here, this is definitely what we do not want to do ... we are as long as you are as peace."

After the two sides exchanged, enter the question and answer session.As a Chinese representative, Cui Tiankai received the most questions, and the Philippines and China in the South China Sea have recently performed more and more. Some people asked him if he was worried that the Chinese maritime police activities would cause the United States to intervene in the United States.

Cui Tiankai did not answer directly, only emphasizing that the Chinese maritime police only defended legitimate rights.He also said that China has always worked hard to understand each other with the South China Sea Shengsuo State. While managing to deal with differences, it develops bilateral relations and continues to conduct maritime cooperation, including dealing with the problem of processing through the Asian Simpan framework.

He did not name it criticized the United States and said, "Without any external interference, things can be done well and peacefully ... but some people outside the region try to use existing disputes to make things worse, more more, more moreIt is difficult to solve "