The Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Fu Cong said that China ’s opposition to the United States and other countries plans to hold a large -scale joint military exercise in the Korean Peninsula in August.

According to the China News Agency, Fu Cong said at the UN Security Council on Friday (May 31) and said in a statement of the Nuclear Nuclear issue.All parties maintain calm restraint, avoid any words and deeds that exacerbate tensions and intensify contradictions, and jointly maintain the peace and stability of the peninsula, and promote the political solution process of the Peninsula issue.

Fu Cong said that the problem of the Korean Peninsula is essentially a security issue. The root cause is that the cold war is unpaid, the peace mechanism has not established, and the United States and North Korea are lacking in mutual trust.The priority is that all parties adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude to restore contact, establish mutual trust, restart dialogue as soon as possible, and explore the strategy of breaking the situation in a peaceful, calm and stable state.This needs to release goodwill and mutually moving, rather than intensify contradictions and exacerbate tension.

He said that the United States and related countries plan to hold a large -scale joint military exercise with a nuclear war background on the Peninsula in August.This approach will only exacerbate the atmosphere of tension, increase the risk of chaos on the peninsula, and make the goal of long -term stability of the peninsula.China opposes it.

Fu Cong said that the Security Council's handling of the peninsula should help ease the situation, enhance mutual trust, and promote unity. We must not stare at the sanctions and pressure.The original intention of China and Russia's draft decision on the Peninsula before is to take humanitarian issues as the entry into the mouth, release goodwill and positive signals, and create conditions for enhance mutual trust and recovery dialogue in all parties.

He said that building a balanced, effective and sustainable security structure to achieve common common safety is the long -term strategy to deal with various security challenges including the Peninsula issue.To achieve their own safety, countries cannot ignore the reasonable and safe concerns of other countries. They cannot build their own security on the basis of unsafe other countries, let alone piercing their own safety fences to the doorstep of others.

Fu Cong said that the United States deployed the land -based medium -range missile system in the Philippines on the grounds of exercise in the United States, and threatened to deploy it in Asia -Pacific this year.This is the first time that the United States has deployed such weapons for the first time in the United States to exit the Treaty Treaty in 2019. The fundamental purpose is to seek unilateral military advantages and provide more options for its military blackmail and expansion.

He continued to point out that the United States does not deploy such weapons in the local area, but is deployed in other countries, especially the so -called "competitors" in their mouths., Stander military confrontation and seek geopolitical private interests.

Fu Cong said that as the world's number one military country and nuclear weapons country, the United States should take responsibility for maintaining global strategic balance and stability, regional peace and security, and international military control treaty system, rather than stimulating wind ignition, making tension manufacturing, Exacerbate opposition.China has urged the United States to fulfill its own responsibility obligations, conform to the willingness of the international community and region countries to seek stability, cooperation, and promoting development, stop relevant dangerous misunderstandings, and completely abandon the Asia -Pacific deployment of land -based guidance plans.