In the conflict between China and the South China Sea, if a Philippine citizen or soldier is killed, will it trigger the United States and the Philippines' joint defense treaty?The US Minister of Defense Austin was unwilling to speculate when asked about this issue this morning (June 1), but he emphasized that the United States and the Philippines' joint defense treaties are firm as iron.

At the opening ceremony of the Shangri -La dialogue in the evening of Friday (May 31st), Philippine President President President President Macos had been asked a similar question: If the Chinese maritime police killed the Philippine crew when using the water cannon, thisIs it under the red line, and under what circumstances will the Philippines be proposed to the United States to launch the United States and Philippine joint defense treaty?

Magaks responded at the time that this would be very close to the Philippine definition of war. "Almost sure to cross the red line", the Philippines will respond accordingly, and believes that it will receive the support of the Treaty allies in the United States.

How do the United States think that the Philippine people died due to the action of Chinese maritime police?When this problem came to Austin on Saturday, he first emphasized that the United States and Philippine joint defense treaty "is firm as IronClad, there is no doubt, no exception."

But he also said that he would not speculate on any hypothetical situation.He said: "What we are doing, and what we will continue to do is to ensure that such things will not happen through increasing the dialogue between big powers, and ensure that relevant countries work together to promote freedom of maritime and aviation."

Austin continues to say that there will be various situations at sea and air, and the goal of the United States is to ensure that the incident does not need to lose control."Once again, I will not speculate on this situation or that situation. I will continue to emphasize that our commitment to the common defense treaty is firm as iron."

According to the US -Philippine joint defense treaty signed in 1951, the US -Philippine in the Pacific waters If territorial, the island territory, army, ships or aircraft under its jurisdiction will be attacked by armed attacks, the two countries will take common military operations to respond.