(Philadelphia / Beijing Comprehensive News) The University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania, formally awarded a bachelor's degree in architectural science from Chinese architect and literary writer Lin Huiyin to recognize her outstanding contribution as a pioneer in modern Chinese architecture.

Comprehensive Xinhua Daily Telecom, Red Star News, etc., Fritz Steiner, Dean of the University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Saturday (May 18), local time, to Lin Huiyin's granddaughter at a graduation ceremony,Aoi, a degree certificate that has been late for nearly a century.

According to the public information on the official website of Binda, from 1918 to 1941, a total of 23 Chinese students attended the Architecture major in Bin University. Lin Huiyin, who was enrolled in 1924, was the only female student.Students who have completed their studies but were not awarded at that time.

Stanner believes that Lin Huiyin was not awarded the degree at the time was her female identity.In the interview, Stana also said: "We are correcting the mistakes in history."

Bin Da announced in October last year that he would teach a degree from Lin Huiyin.This year marks the 100th anniversary of Lin Huiyin, and the 120th anniversary of her birthday.

Witzman School of Design is Lin Huiyin and her husband Liang Sicheng enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in 1924.At that time, the Department of Architecture rejected Lin Huiyin's admission application on the grounds that some courses were not suitable for women. She was then registered in the Fine Arts Department and received a bachelor's degree in art.

In two and a half years, Lin Huiyin completed the art of art, and at the same time completed most of the courses required for the bachelor's degree in architecture, and his grades were excellent.She has been a part -time teaching assistant in the Department of Architecture since the fall of 1925, and in 1926 became the instructor of independent lecturers.

Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng jointly created two architectural departments in Northeast University in Shenyang, China, and Tsinghua University in Beijing, and recorded and organized the ancient Chinese architectural heritage that has not been discovered, and promoted the construction of the Chinese architectural history research system.

At present, 56%of the students and 53%of the permanent faculty members of the Department of Architecture are women, including Hu Rushan, director of the Department of Architecture, and she is also the first Chinese director.