(Manila Comprehensive News) The Philippines condemned China to introduce new regulations to seize foreigners suspected of illegal cross -border in the place where the China Maritime Police, including the South China Sea disputed waters, and emphasized that the Philippines "completely unacceptable" was the newregulation.

The Philippine Star reported that President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President President Saturday pointed out that according to China's latest administrative law enforcement procedures for maritime police institutions (referred to as procedures), the Chinese Maritime Police can be detained without trial.Foreigners who are suspected of illegal crossing the border up to 60 days.

Patscar said: "This is unacceptable. I will not talk about the details of the operation, but we are ready ... we will take all measures to protect our citizens."

It is reported that the China Maritime Police Station announced on Wednesday (15th) that new procedures will be implemented from June 15th that the Chinese maritime police will be allowed to be detained in the disputed waters in the exclusive waters of the Philippine Economic Zone.Foreigners who illegally cross the border up to 60 days.

China announced that in the morning of this new regulation, a Philippine Citizen fleet consisting of about hundreds of boats was going to the Skobel Shakyan (known as Huangyan Island) in the South China Sea with sovereignty disputes.Provide food and fuel for Filipino fishermen at sea.At that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China reiterated that Huangyan Island was an inherent territory of China. China would defend their rights in accordance with the law and warn that the consequences were borne by the Philippines.

The President of the Philippine House of Representatives Romaliads also criticized the new regulations of the Chinese side on Sunday (19th), saying that this will only upgrade the tension.In an interview with local radio stations, he said that China ’s actions blatantly violated the established standards of international law and managing the South China Sea, and emphasized that Manila would not ignore it.

He reminds China that China is a signature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Ocean, and has the obligation to ensure the freedom of navigation and flight in the South China Sea.

Little Marco ordered a thorough investigation of the "New Model" agreement

The Philippines and China have recently been in disputes in the South China Sea. Recently, they have agreed to use the "new model" to handle the wording of the supply of Ayunjin Reef (China Renai Reef).

Magcas said in a statement on Saturday that he had ordered the official investigation of the Chinese Embassy in Manila, which was said to have a telephone recording incident with the Philippine officer on the "new model" agreement.

He also said that it was difficult to draw conclusions before hearing the recording content."This recording is in the hands of the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese government. Before publishing the recording, it is difficult for us to believe and accept someone to reach an agreement."

Bloomberg reported earlier this month that the call text records provided by Chinese officials showed that Lieutenant General Carlos of the Philippine Navy said in a call on January 3 this year, agreed to use the new model to process Ayunjin Reef's supply supply.EssenceHowever, the Philippine side denied that such an agreement emphasized that only the president has the right to sign an agreement on behalf of the Philippines on the Sea of ​​the Western Philippines and the relevant affairs of the South China Sea.