(Hanoi Composite Electric) Vietnam's anti -corruption campaign in the past few years has allowed a large number of high -level party executives such as President, Vice Premier and Politburo, but this obviously has not hindered foreign funds to continue to flow into Vietnam.Analysis believes that foreign investors have maintained toughness on Vietnam's investment, showing that the Communist Party of Vietnam can largely control the impact of political internal fighting to a large extent.

According to Bloomberg, foreign direct investments in Vietnam last year reached US $ 23.18 billion (about S $ 3123 billion) to write a record high.From January to April this year, foreign direct investment increased by 7.4%year -on -year to $ 6.3 billion.In addition, the country's foreign accounts remain healthy, and the frequent accounts also have surplus.

South Korea Samsung Electronics has invested more than $ 22 billion in Vietnam. In March this year, it reiterated that it is planned to increase capital to Vietnam an annual increase of $ 1 billion.Huang Renxun, CEO of the chip giant, said in December last year that he was committed to seeing Vietnam as the second important base of Nivisnda.When Apple CEO Cook visited Vietnam last month, he promised to purchase more components from Vietnam and improve the quality of investment.

The chairman of the Vietnam Real Estate Consulting Company, the chairman of Indochinacapital, said: "In Vietnam, you have never seen so many foreign investment, and most of them have invested in ultra -high productive forces manufacturing. This is Vietnam.The foundation of economic growth is very stable now. "

The executive director of the California American Chamber of Commerce, Stekov, said that many domestic and foreign investors believe that the anti -corruption campaign of Vietnam's "furnace" has reduced corruption.The corruption impression index of international transparent organizations shows that Vietnam's corruption problem has improved in recent years, ranking from 113 in 2016 to 83 last year.

He said that the continuous growth of Vietnam's economy and middle class, and the increasingly important position of the global electron supply chain, highlights Vietnam's attractiveness to investors.

Internal fighting leads to administrative paralysis and an inaction of officials

Wu Wen, a professor at the Daniel Inoue Safety Research Center, believes that Vietnam's political internal fighting will not change Vietnam's economic or foreign policy, because these policies are formulated by the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Central Committee.

But he warned that high -level internal fighting will exacerbate administrative paralysis, "delay the license required by the enterprise and the government approval process."

一名不愿具名的能源公司高层告诉彭博社,反贪调查和政府高官突然下台,使他的公司和其他外企在继续执行商业计划方面面对困难,因为政府官员担心反贪调查,而Do not approve legal documents or handle new regulations.

Reuters on Friday (May 17) quoted uninterrupted letters issued by the United Nations, the World Bank and Western donors to Vietnam's Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng in March that administrative paralysis, regulatory obstacles and lengthy approval procedures caused by anti -corruption operations caused by anti -corruption operations, resultingVietnam has lost at least $ 2.5 billion in foreign aid in the past three years and may lose $ 1 billion.

$ 2.5 billion was refunded due to the expiry of funds, and $ 1 billion was waiting for the official approval of Vietnam.These losses may delay project upgrades and other projects.

The donor may reduce its assistance to Vietnam in the future due to the obstruction of funds.For example, the World Bank will merge the Hanoi office with the offices of Cambodia and Laos from July to improve management efficiency.This may make the world bank transfer work focus.

There are high -level horses in the Communist Party of Vietnam

On the other hand, Vietnam's anti -corruption movement has led to continuous turbulence in politics. A total of one party's senior officials fell off on Thursday (16th), and Zhang's resignation in Zhang Shimei, who ranked fifth in the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, stepped down.

The statement issued by the official website of the Yue Communist Party said that the 66 -year -old member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the executive secretary of the Central Secretariat, and Zhang Shimei, the Minister of the Central Organization Department, violated the ban on party member behavior when he served as another leader from 2016 to 2021.The exemplary role of cadre party members' exemplary examples, and resigned all positions and retired.

Zhang's entered the Politburo in 2016, the only woman who entered the core of power. It was originally regarded as one of the candidates for the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Ruan Fuzhong.Some analysts believe that Ruan Fuzhong's successor may now have only Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng or Minister of Public Security Su Lin.