As China -US relations are becoming more and more tense, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that China and the United States had fought side by side in the war years and should also be partners in the peaceful age.

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng attended my Chinese album awards ceremony and offline story sharing activities organized by the Chinese Embassy in the United States on Thursday (May 16).

Xie Feng said in his speech, "In the past year, we have collected more moving stories between China and the United States, gathered into this thick 'Chinese album'."The history of the album is engraved with China and the United States to fight side by side, watching and helping each other.In the War of Resistance Against Japan and the World Anti -Fascist War, the Chinese and American peoples lived and died in order to peace and justice.

Xie Feng said that China and the United States must correctly cognate each other, as friends instead of opponents.Cognitive issues, like the "root" of the big tree in China and the United States, are tied, and the trees will naturally be lush and fruitful;

Xie Feng pointed out that from the first day of contact with the United States, the two parties knew that it was a country with a different country with historical culture, social systems, and development paths, but this did not affect the two countries breaking the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the establishment of diplomatic relationsDeepening cooperation based on common interests has not hindered the friendly exchanges between the two peoples."Today in the 21st century, what reason do we have the door to close friendship and go back?"

Xie Feng said, the people of China and the United States can completely cross the system, culture, and language.Friendship.In the war years, China and the United States fought side by side; in the peaceful age, China and the United States should also be partners."We only have the responsibility of co -defense and peace, and there is no reason to provoke confrontation."

Xie Feng said that ignoring the extensive common interests of China and the United States, ignoring the fundamental desire of the people of the two peoples, ignoring the international community, ChinaThe general expectations of the stable development of US relations, regarding each other as the most strategic competitors, the most significant geographical political challenges, and the threat of step -by -step threats. In the end"Self -implementation prediction".