(Hanoi/Bangkok Composite) The Communist Party of Vietnam recommends that the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of Public Security Su Lin took over as President State President.

Vietnamese state media reported on Saturday (May 18) that the Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party of China proposed to Congress that Su Lin, 66, served as President of the State President. At the same time, Chen Qingmin, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and executive vice chairman of the CongressPresident of Congress.The Vietnamese National Association is expected to approve the new appointment this week.

Vietnam's leadership is known as the "four -driving carriage", that is, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President, Prime Minister and President of Congress, is the four pillars of the Vietnamese political system.

Chen Qingmin, now 61, was nominated as the chairman of Congress. He used to be the vice chairman and chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Motherland.(Agence France -Presse)

Many political observers believe that Su Lin is appointed as the President of the State, and may be the prelude to the future as the general secretary.

The term of the current general secretary Ruan Fuzhong was until 2026, but he did not rule out that he was 80 years old and his age was high before he expired.

Vietnam is a one -party dictatorship country, and the political situation is relatively stable.However, in the past year and a half, two national chairman and a parliament chairman stepped down due to disciplinary violations, highlighting the fierce struggle within the Vietnam Communist Party.

Former President Wu Wen appreciated for his last year for his resignation in March this year.At that time, the Vietnamese government only said that he violated the party rules and did not mention specific violations.Former Congress Chairman Wang Tinghui resigned last month.They are the highest -level leaders of Vietnam's anti -corruption campaign.

Ruan Fuzhong's anti -corruption campaign named the "furnace" in 2013. In recent years, the fire of anti -corruption has become more and more prosperous.Or forced to step down.

As the main executor of anti -corruption movement, Su Lin is one of Vietnamese political figures.He is currently a member of the Corruption Central Guidance Committee in the party.

Su Lin was born in Xing'an Province in northern Vietnam in 1957. He entered Renmin University of Vietnam in 1972 and started a 50 -year safety career.He joined the Vietnam Communist Party in 1982 and continued to be promoted. He became a member of the Politburo of the Politburo and served as the Minister of Public Security in 2016.