(Hanoi Reuters) The United States improving tariffs to reduce tariffs with China has driven the surge in imports from Vietnam, which has increased Vietnam's imports from China to form a symbiotic relationship between Sino -Vietnamese trade.

The surge in trade volume of China -Vietnam and the United States has led to a significant increase in trade imbalances.Vietnam's trade surplus to the United States last year was nearly $ 10.5 billion (about S $ 141.5 billion), which was more than 1.5 times more than about $ 4 billion in the first trade war to China during the US President Trump in 2018.

At present, Vietnam is only in China, Mexico and the European Union on the US trade deficit country rankings.

Reuters, through the trade, customs and investment data of the United Nations and China -Vietnam and the United States, concluded that the three countries have formed a symbiotic relationship in trade.The estimated data from the World Bank and several economists and supply chain experts also confirmed this conclusion.

Data show that imports from China provide motivation for Vietnam's export surge.The increase in imports from China from China is almost equal to the total value and amplitude of the US exports in recent years.

The estimated data provided by the World Bank to Reuters shows that the relationship between Vietnam's imports from China and the data exported to the United States has reached 96 %, which is higher than Trump's 84 %.

The latest data also reflects the trend of symbiotic relations between the three parties.In the first quarter of this year, the total value of the United States from Vietnam reached US $ 29 billion, and Vietnam's imports from China reached US $ 30.5 billion, consistent with the trade flow in the past period.

Analysis means that Vietnam's imports from China and exports to the United States may be the addition of extra tariffs levied by Chinese companies through Vietnam through Vietnam.This may prompt the United States to impose tariffs on Vietnam after the end of this year.

The U.S. Embassy in Vietnam declined to comment on trade imbalances.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Commerce of China have not answered questions from Reuters.

Vietnam is seeking the United States to give it a market economy status, which helps strengthen Vietnamese goods to the US market.

China Enterprise Relying on China Supply Chain

The surge in China -Vietnam and the United States' trade has also reflected that Vietnam has become increasingly increasingly attracted by Vietnam as a manufacturing hub.Many Chinese -funded enterprises have relocated factories to northern Vietnam and appreciate semi -finished products in Hanoi and surrounding areas.Some Chinese companies still highly depend on China's domestic supply chain.

The U.S. Department of Commerce even found that although some products were labeled with "Made in Vietnam", they actually did not make any value -added in Vietnam.

Another reason why the United States pays close attention to Vietnamese products is that cotton fabrics and solar panels made in Vietnam may come from Xinjiang, the main origin of Chinese cotton and polysilicon (PolySilicon).

The United States refers to the forced labor of Xinjiang Uighurs. In 2022, it implemented to prevent forced Uighurs' labor laws and implement stricter reviews for products that may use Xinjiang raw materials.