China Defense Minister Dong Jun and US Defense Secretary Austin have rumored to meet with the Shangri -La dialogue in Singapore at the end of this month; if it is true, this will be the first face -to -face contact between China and the United States.Scholars interviewees analyzed that China and the United States have formed a political consensus, and they have not interrupted the official dialogue and communication due to controversial conflicts.If the Minister of Defense in China is in Singapore at the end of the month, a formal dialogue is likely to be held.

Austin and Dong Jun, who served as the Defense Director at the end of last year, had a video conference and the first call in the middle of last month.Former Speaker of the United States House Perlis visited Taiwan in August the previous year, and the official dialogue between China and the United States had a formal conversation therefore interrupted for nearly a year and a half.

Reuters on Thursday (May 16) quoted U.S. officials reported that China -US Defense Minister is expected to meet in Singapore, but the change at the last moment may also affect the plan.A spokesman for the Pentagon said that no specific news was announced.

Sino -US dollar held a bilateral talks in San Francisco last November. After agreed to restart the military dialogue, the senior officials of the two armies continued to recover contact.Last month, Meizhong held a meeting of the working group of the Maritime Military Safety Consultation Mechanism Agreement in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was the first large military meeting between the two countries since December 2021.

Ely Ratner, an American Assistant Defense Director responsible for India -Pacific Security Affairs, held a video conference with Major General Li Bin, Director of the International Military Cooperation Office of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China on Thursday (May 16).The first exchange between the workers.

According to a statement issued by the US Department of Defense, the Ministry of Defense, the two discussed the US -China defense relations and regional and global security issues.At the meeting, Lartna emphasized that the United States and China must maintain the opening of communication channels on the issue of defense to reduce the risk of misunderstanding. It also reiterated the importance of maintaining the importance of calling for calls in the U.S. India Command and the South Theater and the Eastern theater Command.

Ratner also reiterates the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, expressed concern about the Chinese harassment of the Philippine vessels that harassed the legal operations in the South China Sea, and for the help of China to assist the Russian defense industry and Moscow to launch the Ukrainian war to express "solemn concerns"" ".

The Chinese Ministry of Defense also reported on Friday that the Chinese side responded with Latna's video call, saying that the two armed forces between China and the United States strengthened communication and inject positive factors into the relationship between the two armies.

But China also criticized the US-Taiwan military linked, "Taiwan independence" forces split.It is the main source of chaos that destroys the current stability of the Taiwan Strait , and the determination of the Chinese army to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving; the United States intervenes to encourage the "agent" to fight right and wrong in the South China Sea and provoke disputes. The Chinese rights protection operation is completely legitimate.Legal; the United States deployed land -based medium -range missiles in the Philippines to seriously endanger the safety of the region. If it is lonely, it will be resolutely countermeasures by China.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although China and the United States have recently occurred in the field of economic and trade, but the two countries are still holding the first time in Geneva, Switzerland this week.3669443 "Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Artificial Intelligence (AI) Intergovernmental Dialogue Conference , the senior officials of the two armies continued to communicate and interact.

Zhu Feng expects that if the Sino -US defense ministers go to Singapore to attend the incense meeting, the formal face -to -face dialogue should be a "high probability event."During the incense meeting last year, China refused to arrange for Austin to meet with Li Shangfu who had just served as the defense director at the time, because the United States did not cancel the Trump administration's sanctions on Li Shangfu.

Ge Laiyi, director of the Indo -Pacific Plan of the German Marshall Foundation, pointed out that after the Austin meeting with Dong Jun, Austin will hope to talk to the vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission because this is a more important interactive pipeline.

Zhu Feng studied and judged that the atmosphere of the China -US defense ministers is expected to be "more frank and constructive."At present, there are the urgency of military communication between China and the United States, including how the two armies control and control over multiple issues such as the sea and air encounter, and the fire accidents. At the same time, it is necessary to further clarify their respective policies and strategic intentions in disputes such as the South China Sea.