(London/Paris Comprehensive News) The United States announced on Thursday (May 16) that 26 Chinese companies were included in the prohibited import list because the factories of these companies' production products were suspected of forcing Xinjiang Uighurs to work.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that 26 Chinese companies were included in the list of physical laws to prevent Uighurs forced labor laws and started to take effect on Friday (17th).Since the end of 2021, the United States decree has been included in the limit list.

The latest companies that have been included in the list include cotton traders or warehousing facilities, of which 21 were identified in the wholesale market to obtain and sell Xinjiang cotton, and the remaining five were found to purchase Xinjiang cotton.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that although the headquarters of these cotton product manufacturers included in the list are not in Xinjiang, the cotton used from Xinjiang.The list of these companies in the list will increase transparency and ensure that companies with a sense of responsibility can conduct due diligence on their supply chain to determine that it does not include products that use forced labor.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington criticized that the so -called "Uighurs forced Labor Prevention Act" is just a tool for minority politicians in the United States to destroy Xinjiang's stability and curb China's development.

For more than two years, the above -mentioned laws have failed to prevent Xinjiang cotton from entering the global market.According to the Voice of Germany Chinese website, the US testing agency's "Stylus Reservoir" and "Application DNA Science" released a study on Tuesday (7th) that there were 19% of the samples of cotton products sold in the United States and global retailers last year.Including cotton from Xinjiang.