The US Biden Government reportedly restricted that China and Russia used American artificial intelligence (AI) models.

Reuters on Wednesday (May 8) quoted three people familiar with the matter that the US Department of Commerce is considering promoting a new regulatory measure to restrict or closed the export of AI models.The move aims to protect the AI ​​models of the United States from the influence of China and Russia. It is initially planned to set a protective bar around the AI ​​models such as ChatGPT.

The US Department of Commerce refused to comment, and the Russian Embassy in the United States did not immediately reply to the evaluation request.The Chinese Embassy in the United States responded when they were questioned that the move was "typical economic coercion and unilateral bullying behavior, and China resolutely opposed it." It also added that "necessary measures" will be adopted to protect their own interests.

Reuters analysis said that the United States has cooperated with a series of restrictions on the implementation of AI chips to China in the past two years to slow down the pace of China's military -based development of cutting -edge technologies, but it is still difficult for regulatory agencies to follow.The speed of development in the industry.

Including several American AI model companies, including OpenAI and Google DeepMind, have developed some strong and powerful closed source AI models, and these companies can not be subject to the US government without being affected by the US government.Selling models under supervision.

The US government and private companies are worried that American opponents will use these models to launch vicious network attacks, and even create lethal biochemical weapons.

One of the people familiar with the matter revealed that any new export restrictions are likely to be targeted at Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.In a report in February, Microsoft said that they followed the Chinese and Korean governments, as well as hackers related to the Russian military agency and the Iranian revolutionary guards who tried to optimize their hacking operations through large language models.