People familiar with the matter said that Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers will complete the first public offering (IPO) inquiry in New York on Wednesday (May 8th), raising up to 367.5 million US dollars (S $ 497 millionTo.

Reuters reported that according to the list of clauses distributed during the launch of the transaction last week, Ji Ji planned to end the book on Thursday (May 9).Ji Ji is a high -end electric vehicle brand under Chinese automakers Geely.

Report quoted people familiar with the matter confirmed that this time has been a day in advance to Wednesday.According to people familiar with the matter, Ji Yan will still start trading in New York on Friday (May 10).

The prospectus shows that Ji Ji will issue 17.5 million ADS (US depository shares), each ADS corresponds to 10 ordinary shares, and the issue price range is US $ 18 to 21 per share.Based on the $ 21 per share, the market value of the pole is about 5.5 billion US dollars.

After being listed in the United States two years ago, it was reviewed by China ’s network security censorship, and the rhythm of Chinese companies' listing in the United States has slowed significantly.Although Chinese regulators have relaxed the restrictions on overseas listing of Chinese enterprises, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, no Chinese companies' financing in the United States last year exceeded $ 200 million.