The famous mathematician Qiu Chengtong said that Chinese mathematics is not as well as the United States because of the old age.

Comprehensive and Sing Tao reported on Tuesday (May 7) that Qiu Chengtong was a guest of China and China University of Science and Technology on April 30 to publish a speech on "the current status and future of Chinese mathematics".

Qiu Chengtong said that if China becomes a strong country in science and technology, it is necessary to master basic science, and mathematics is the basis of physics and all engineering theories.Where is it?

He said that any powerful modern country must be among the best in mathematics. The United Kingdom, France, the United States, Russia, Japan and other countries must have a very high level. Chinese mathematics has not reached this achievement.

Qiu Chengtong pointed out that the level of Chinese mathematics is not as good as the United States in the 1940s.

He pointed out that most of the opinions of China's assessment awards and promotion are determined by domestic colleagues, and important scholars are older and often follow the old age.In this context, young scholars will continue to derail with the forefront of the world due to the old age.

Qiu Chengtong also criticized that Chinese -induced scholars to do learning too much attention to material rewards and did not take care of the achievements of learning itself.Young people dare not do the most cutting -edge science, because some judges do not understand these cutting -edge science and embrace their personal hearts. They may not have a place after cutting -edge knowledge is popular in China.

He shouted in his speech: "This is also the autumn of the crisis!"

Qiu Chengtong has grown up in Hong Kong since he was a child, and completed his undergraduate.He is the first Chinese in the world to win the Phils Award in the highest honor in the international mathematics community.He was a professor at Harvard University, and was hired by Tsinghua University as a chair professor after Harvard's retirement.

In February last year, Li Keqiang, then Prime Minister of the State Council of China, met Qiu Chengtong, emphasizing the support of basic science in science and technology innovation and development. Mathematics is the foundation of basic science and the crown of natural science.Law, strengthen basic scientific research, and solidly solid the foundation of scientific and technological innovation and development.