According to the Russian satellite agency reported on May 7, Gongchangkol, the highest Lada (parliament) of Ukraine, said that the first F-16 fighter jet may arrive in Ukraine in July in JulyEssence

Reported that Gongchangke wrote on the "telegram" software: "The first batch of F-16 fighters will arrive in Ukraine in July."

He added that there is news that the first batch of Ukrainian pilot training for these fighters is scheduled to end at the end of May.

Report also said that Russia believes that providing weapons to Ukraine to hinders the situation of the situation, which may also cause NATO member states to be directly involved in the conflict, which is "playing fire".Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov previously pointed out that any supplies including providing weapons to Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia.

Reported that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the 6th that Russia will regard the F-16 fighter jets that appear in Ukraine as a nuclear weapon carrier.

The statement announced by the official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "In the near future, the US-made F-16 multi-purpose fighter is expected to appear in Ukraine. As Russia has repeatedly reiterated, the F-16 belongs to the dual-use platform, which is both available, which is both available.As a regular weapon carrier, it can also be used as a nuclear weapon carrier.

Statement pointed out: "Regardless of the models of this aircraft, Russia will regard it as a nuclear weapon carrier, and regards the approach of the United States and NATO as a clear provocation."