(Manila / Lawag Comprehensive Electric) The Philippines and China have a tension between the disputed waters in the South China Sea sovereignty, and the Chinese maritime police ship used the water cannon to drive the Philippines.However, the Philippine President President Macs said that the Philippines would not respond to the Chinese side with water cannon or any offensive weapons, so as not to upgrade the situation in the South China Sea.

Matthem on Monday (May 6) was asked whether the Philippines would allow the country's coast guards to use water cannons to fight back to the Chinese side that Manila would not do so."What we are doing is to defend our sovereign rights and the sovereignty in the Western Philippines. We have no intention of using water cannons or any other offensive weapons to attack anyone ... We will not follow the Chinese sea police ships and Chinese shipsRoad. "

He also shows that the task of the Philippine Navy and the Coast Guard is not to provoke or exacerbate the tension. This is what the Philippines does not want to happen. Manila will continue to respond to the South China Sea through diplomatic means.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said at a regular press conference on Monday that if the Philippines really wants to alleviate the situation in the South China Sea, "should immediately stop rushing to the neighbor of the Nansha Islands and Huangyan Islands in China immediately, stop towardsRenai Reef (Philippines called Ayunjin Reef) illegal 'Sitting beach' warships transport buildings and build permanent facilities, stop illegal reef activities on the relevant unmanned islands and reefs, stop the gangs to show off their martial arts, stop the dislike of false information misleadingInternational community.

China claims to have the sovereignty of most of the South China Sea, and dispatched hundreds of maritime police ships and other ships to patrol.Since taking office, Xiaomakus has shown a more and more tough attitude on the South China Sea issue.The Filipino Chinese ships have repeatedly collided in the South China Sea, and the Chinese maritime police ships have repeatedly used water cannons to drive the Philippines and cause damage.

The U.S. -Philippine held an annual joint exercise place is only 160 kilometers away from Taiwan

China and the Philippines are frequently confronted in the South China Sea, and the outside world is worried that the United States of Manila's allies may be involved in conflict.Washington has repeatedly emphasized that it will continue to support the Philippines in accordance with the regulations of the United States and the Philippines.

The US-Philippine Army held an "side-shoulder" annual joint military exercise in Lawag, along the coastal town of Ieloogos, northern Philippines.The US soldiers fired 155 mm and 105mm howitzers in real bombs.(Reuters)

Balikatan's annual joint military exercise is undergoing "Balikatan". The two forces have fired missiles and shells on the maritime "imaginary enemy" northwest of Luzon Island facing Taiwan on the west.The 200 soldiers took turns guarding the coastline of Laoag, along the coastal town of Irotis, and used javelin anti -tank missiles, grenades guns and machine guns to retreat to impact the unknown enemy forces.

One of the locations of military exercises is located at the northernmost tip of the Philippines, about 250 kilometers from Luzon Island, and only about 160 kilometers from the southernmost tip of Taiwan.A row of naval marines in Meifei trained there to recapture the aircraft runway.

Mei Philippine has first included Itbalt Island this year into the scope of co -stage, which makes people pay attention to the role that the Philippines may play in the potential Taiwan Strait conflict, and also highlights the strong attraction of the Philippines to US military planners.

The Philippines stated earlier that it would not be involved in any conflict about Taiwan in the future, and insisted that the "side -by -side" exercise was entirely to protect its domestic territory.

The U.S. Marine Corps Commander Cerdholm also emphasized that the exercise aims to improve the coordinated combat capabilities of the US -Philippines, not to pass information, nor for any third party.