On the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, Chinese officials conducted a charming offensive on France to conduct state -owned visits to France.Interviewees believe that China hopes to take the Ukrainian war and the presidential election of the United States as an opportunity to take France as a breakthrough, exacerbate the differentiation between the European Union and the United States, and weaken the United States' siege of China.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Chinese official Sunday (May 5th) described France as an important representative of France as a civilization of Eastern and Western civilizations when he arrived in France. China and France have long been "appreciating and attracting each other."

Chinese officials pointed out when reviewing Sino -French relations that the two countries have taken the lead in the relationship between China and Western countries, and have established a model for peaceful coexistence and win -win cooperation between countries in different social systems.

He hopes to promote friendship and cooperation between the two countries, "illuminating the way forward with the torch of history, creating a better future for Sino -French relations, and making new contributions to world peace, stability, and development."

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, was judged during the interview with Lianhe Morning Post. The official visit to China is strategic. It is hoped that France is a breakthrough to exacerbate the differentiation of France and even Europe and the United States.

Cui Hongjian, director of the European Institute of China International Institute of International Issues, believes that one of the biggest concerns of the EU's current currently is that the anti -buildings represented by Trump may return to the White House.This will make Europeans think of a series of shocks that Trump has brought to US -Europe relations in 2016.The European Union also deeply feels the inequality of US -Europe relations, but the EU's sense of weakness in political changes in the United States, and the anxiety and problems that are caused, should not be transferred to China -Europe relationIn China, this is very unfair.

The United States will usher in the presidential election in November this year.The Republican candidate and former US President Trump threatened at the leading polls.Target = _blank> The United States will withdraw from the military alliance , or it cannot protect the allies from potential attacks from Russia.

NATO's goal is to use 2%of each domestic GDP (GDP) for national defense, but among the 32 NATO countries, more than half of them did not meet the standards in 2023, including France.

Wang Hongren said that Trump may have been elected again that many European NATO countries are concerned, but this has also made France, which has long been advocating European strategy for a long time, "has greatly improved the volume in voices."

He said that at this time, the Chinese official visits to France hopes that while giving French support strategically, it also reduces the influence of the United States on European countries and avoids the United States gang gang party to enclose China.

China ’s official Sunday published signed articles in the French Fergaro, which praised the vision of the former French President Dai Gogho 60 years ago with the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China during the Cold War, and said that this independent decision was“ extremely difficult ”.

Cui Hongjian believes that today's situation is similar to that of China -French establishment of diplomatic relations, that is, neither China France does not want to be caught in the group's confrontation.Chinese officials make a certain connection with the current situation with the current situation, to help China and France establish a clearer consensus to avoid the appearance of a new group confrontation.

Resolving the Russian and Ukraine conflict is the focus of the three sides of the Sino -French and European leaders.Chinese officials pointed out in the signed article that China looks forward to returning to peace and stability at an early date in mainland Europe. It is willing to find a reasonable path to solve the crisis with the international community including France.

Russian President Putin reported to visit China next week and met with Chinese officials.

Wang Hongren's judgment that at least China can guarantee that Russia does not use nuclear weapons.

He said: "If Chinese officials can meet with (French President) Macron, they can play a role in peaceful negotiations in the Russia and Ukraine War.There is an indirect impact with the two chairmen of the council.