(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) Liu Zhenmin, a special envoy of China's climate change, led a group to the United States from May 7 to 16 to talk to John Podesta, a senior consultant to the US President's International Climate Policy.This is the first formal meeting since the newly appointed envoy of China and the United States.

The WeChat account of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the above news on Tuesday (May 7), stating that both China and the United States will be guided by the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, and focus on the consensus of the natives of the sun in the hometown of the sun crisis to strengthen cooperation.In -depth exchanges such as the promotion of the pragmatic results of Sino -US climate cooperation.

China and the United States issued a state of sunshine on the eve of the two heads of state in San Francisco last November to announce the joint global climate crisis.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China said that Liu Zhenmin will also communicate with relevant parties to the United Nations, as well as relevant United States local governments and think tanks on issues such as climate change.

The official website of the US State Department also released news that The United States will be on Wednesday to Thursday to Thursday Thursday.Washington received Liu Zhenmin and held a bilateral meeting of "Strengthening the Climate Action Working Group in the 2020s".

The State Department of the United States said that the meeting will focus on the fields determined in the state of the hometown of Sunshine, including energy transformation, methane and other non -carbon dioxide gas, circular economy and resource efficiency, low -carbon and sustainable provinces/states and cities, as well asForest cutting and so on.

Liu Zhenmin January > Podesta also received new appointments in January, which will be the first face -to -face communication since the two have taken office.

As the world's largest discharge country, China and the United States in recent years have been the key to the progress of global promotion of climate actions.In an interview with Bloomberg TV on April 30, Liu Zhenmin said that China and the United States would continue to lead the global process of climate change, and the two countries should cooperate as much as possible.He added that the two countries "still need to respect each other on all issues."